Friday, June 21, 2019

Yes you can learn to read Cyrilic in Bulgaria

Bulgaria uses the Cyrilic script which is also used in Russia. I was afarid that I would be unable to pick up Cyrilic in Bulgaria but it is surprisingly easy.

C The C is pronounced S like the C in police. (Also palace and practice.)

Then you can pick up other letters as you walk aroung the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, or look at photos on the internet.

For example, I stopped outside a coffee shop and read the signs. The Cyrilic word was ko.e. The third letter was obviously pronounced f. It was a cicle with a vertical line through the middle.

Now when I see a word containing that sign I just visualise the word k o f e.

Aboout the author
Angela Lansbury
I am a travel writer and blogger and teacher of languages. You will find me on Facebook and blogger. I can teach you English and other languages in Singapore and online. I also do entertianing speeches and worksops on languages for colleges and businesses.

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