Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Memory Aids For Learning Languages Including Hebrew

The free language learning website Memrise uses mnemonics to help you learn vocabulary. I looked up mnemonics in Wikipedia and was especially interested in their sections on languages and spelling.

Esperanto flag.

Regarding languages, Esperanto is a language which follows rules with no exceptions, and looks a bit like Spanish.

A rival but less popular language takes words which are common to many languages.

One way of making memory aids (called mnemonics) is to create a memorable dramatic visual sentence linking the word in Eglish (or your native language) with the word you wish to learn in the news language.

Israel flag.

Hebrew Examples:
Oh hell, What is in
 my tent.

Ohel is Hebrew for tent.

What a beautiful building. I would like to buy it.
Hebrew for building is beit.

If you use Memrise which is free you can save your own memory aids and see suggestions from other learners.

Useful Websites
English spelling aids, general and specific words

About the author
Angela Lansbury is the author of Quick Quotations.

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