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Monday, July 2, 2018

Timing A Seasonal Holiday Walking Or Sightseeing: Snow, Transport and Taxi Warnings

When should I book a holiday, or register my time off work, for an individual or family or group holiday?

First, it depends on the country, continent and area. If you have children, or parents or teachers in your group, your holiday must be in school holidays.

To get summer weather for walking - or avoid over-hot weather - change continents. For example, Australians visit the UK at cool Xmas which is the Australians' long summer holiday. But you have to be sure to check when the outdoor ice skating in London and other activities are available.

Conversely, from the UK my family would take skiing holidays in New Zealand during our UK summer holiday.

For a hiking group holiday in Europe, we chose not to go too early because of the risk of snow. Snow is great for skiing holidays, but not for walking holidays.

Late July and August will be high season. That means prices go up.

If your budget allows you to travel then, you might find more activities. You may have to book in advance. Less risk of sitting alone in empty restaurants. You will have more chances of meeting people for friendship or even a holiday romance.

Our walkers dislike crowds. They walk to get fresh air. (Waiting for a bus back uphill in Madeira this June 2018, I sat in the queue, downwind from a heavy smoker. In Singapore signs tell you not to stand within so meny metres of a doorway or bus stop.)

Crowds spoil the get away from it all atmosphere for those who want to commune with nature.

However, I like crowds. I like restaurants with toilets and staff too busy to wonder whether or not you are a paying customer. I like souvenir shops. I like to be on a bus route if the car breaks down. Or the car leaves without you. 

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