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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Today's new Italian words listed for your next holiday or business trip

You will find it useful to know some Italian when travelling to Italy and Italian speaking Switzerland as well as in Italian restaurants worldwide. 

Every day I learn new words on Duolingo and revise old ones. I keep a daily list of new words, in alphabetical order. On another page I list alphabetically words similar to English on the next empty odd numbered page. 

On the reverse of the page, the even numbered page, are words which are new and unlike others, especially those which are confusing because they sound like an unrelated English word so that I have made a wrong guess when answering a question.

Here are some of my recent lists

SIMILAR WORDS Italian-English

anni - years (like annual)

isola - island (letters 'is' and 'la', also isolated) 

molto - very (like multi)

nostri - our (Plural. Like the French word notre)

nuova - new (nu sounds like new, but change the last letter to a to match feminine words, o for masculine, i for plural)

pavimenti - floor (like pavement, but indoors, note the Italian words ends in the letter i)

sorpreso/a - surprised

stupenda - stunning, marvellous, wonderful (starting with letters stu)

turisti - tourists (masculine plural ending in the letter i, like the word spaghetti)


adesso - now

CONFUSING WORDS Italian-English 

gonna - skirt (not gown, not dress)

neppure io - nor me (Duolingo translates it as me neither, which I find confusing because it reverses the word order. 'Nor me' is traditional and rather dated English. 'Me neither' is colloquial. Studying Italian, which is derived from Latin, like many English words and phrases, I can see the reason for traditional English phrases. Maybe that made it easier for previous generations of intellectuals, travellers and royalty to learn multiple languages, whilst it is harder for the average English-speaking tourist today.)

praticamente - practically (the Italian does not have a letter c before the t)

Basic Duolingo is free. If you pay for their premium tier you are told what you did wrong when you make mistakes.

Useful Website for learning Italian and other languages

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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Pretty Pearl Sculpture in La Paz, Mexico

 I like landmarks as quick openers to slide shows, articles, even boxes of brochures saved from recent holidays. Everybody knows Tower Bridge the symbol for London, England, UK, and the Eiffel Tower for Paris, France, but now here's a new one, the pearl.

The Spanish, Mexican Spanish, name for this sculpture is La Perla. Wonderful - a quick way to learn one new word of Spanish. I love learning languages from place names. La Perla is in La Paz, which means peace.

English - Mexican Spanish

and - y

bronze - bronce

by/of - de 

in - en

(the) peace - la paz

Pearl/the pearl - la perla\

sculpture - escultura

stainless steel - acero inoxidable

the - la

Spanish - English

acero inoxidable - stainless steel

bronce - bronze

de - by/of

en - in

escultura - sculpture

la - the

la paz - peace (literally the peace)

la perla - the pearl

y - and

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Español: Escultura en bronce y acero inoxidable, "La Perla" de Octavio González Gutiérrez, en la Paz, Baja California Sur, México
English: Sculpture on bronze and stainless steel, "La Perla" by Octavio González Gutiérrez, in la Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
SourceOwn work
AuthorCarlos Valenzuela
SoftwareRawTherapee 5.1, Gimp 2.8
Camera location24° 09′ 40.9″ N, 110° 19′ 05.7″ W  Heading=287° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.

Sitting in A Coffee Shop - working from a coffee shop?

Costa food.

I don't know how people can sit all day in a coffee shop without ordering more food and drink. I can't.  But some people do.

Years ago I was told by a French girl that the French system is simple. Many people go to sit and people watch at cafes to get out of the house. 

How do the coffee shops or restaurants make money?

You order a drink or food once an hour. That is understand by customers and staff.

Close Down Times

Another system is to close for five to ten minutes to clean the tables, floors and toilets every three hours. 

Split Times

Then switch from early morning breakfast menu with free refill of coffee. For ten minutes in advance you can order and get a takeaway cup, or if you go away having paid you get a rain check voucher for use later in the day. 

Split Menu Days

You have a second first sitting lunch time. A second late lunch. You have another session for the tea time hour with one special offer of cake of the day. Then high tea with a grilled sandwich and cake. Then pre-pre-theater offer, earlybird half price if out by 6, or 7.30 or 8. Then dinner time menu. Finally late coffee for those who come on from other restaurants, or want a pick me up drink before their long late night journey home. 

Children's Meals With Entertainment at The Garden Gate and other pubs and restaurants

The Garden Gate pub restaurant. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

At the Garden Gate pub restaurant, the children's menu has the menu printed on the left of the page, and a drawing to fill in and colour pictures of fruit on the right. 

The serving staff brought up a drinking glass with half a dozen different colour crayons. This entertained children, ages three to eleven. The children were able to fill in the numerous fruits outlined. 

The children showed each other their drawings. This kept them entertained until the food arrived.

Many restaurants provide children's activities. That makes the children keen to attend the restaurant. 

The table activitity also keeps them sitting at the table. The children are not racing around. This prevents children from  annoying other customers with the sight of distracting movement or the noise of shouting children, or parnets calling their children back. 

It is safer for the children.  The children don't collide with serving staff, get lost, run into the street, or disappear.

Parents are saved the trouble of entertaining kids and can talk to each other. Parents don't have the anxiety of having to watch where children are going. Nor the stress of jumping up to follow them when they go to far, nor to call them back when the food arrives.

Win-win all around, for children, parents, other customers, and staff.

The Garden Gate pub is in Hampstead, north west London, England, UK.

Useful Website
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Holocaust Memorial Day


The Holocaust Memorial Day in England was a commemoration bringing together the ever diminishing number of Holocaust survivors with the future king of England, William, whose Greek ancestor hid a Jewish family during WW2.

A picture showed all the holocaust survivors together, with members of the royal family, William and Kate, with British ministers.

People sometimes ask why we see so little of the other groups who suffered. I looked online and learned that unfortunately there is only one UK survivor of the Sinta-Roma group. 

1 Hidden Jewish Survivors in London.

Some survivors kept very quiet, private, after their experiences in WW2. Anne Frank's father lived in Edgware, near where I lived, but he was not known about for decades. 

A second holocaust survivor, from his family, his step-daughter, started visiting schools and wrote a book only when she became much older.

Why is a commemoration held in London? What has London got to do with the Holocaust?

1 The Kindertransport. 

Many Jewish orphans and young children were brought on trains to London, to safety, after Kristallnacht, just before WW2, in the expectation that they would go back to  their parents later. But after the war they had no parents nor homes to go back to.

2 Well-known Holocaust Survivors

Probably the best known is Sigmund Freud, who left Austria to live out the rest of his life in London. (His sisters were killed in the Holocaust.) You can visit the Freud Museum in London.

3 Well-known Jews from Before the Holocaust Who Contributed to Modern Britain

Ann Pavolva, whose golden statue is above the dome facing Victoria train and bus station. You can see it far above, shining in the sunlight, if you look up. Her house is a museum which can be visited.

Moses who founded Moss Bros the tailors.

Marks of Marks and Spencer.

4 Well-known Jews Of A New Generation in the UK

Alma Cogan. Helen Shapiro. Amy Winehouse. 

London has a variety of cultures. We now have former Jewish delis serving Jewish style food run by a Christian Greek family in Edgware and Hatch End.  Kosher festival food is sold at a Jewish supermarket in Golders Green - the shop is run by Indians. 

Tesco and Marks & Spencer started in England, but are now in countries as far away as Singapore.

If you want to know about other groups, and the holocaust, you will find them mentioned on websites about the holocaust and about Anne Frank House and the Anne Frank Foundation.

Useful Websites

Holocaust Memorial Day Trust

Costa In London and Bear Biscuits

 We sought refuge from the rain in a large branch of Costa near Brent Cross. 

The Costa had restful peacock colour walls with green leaf patterns. Stools carried on this theme wirh pattern on the fabric. Varied seats, as you'd expect.

Two toilets, one for the disabled and wheelchairs.

I instantly discovered my favourite almond bake. A bit like a British Bakewell tart.

My husband ordered a doppio espresso con panne (double espresso with milk). He off-loaded the superfluous white cream from adop his coffee onto my portion of cake.

Our almost four-year-old quickly found a packet of bear-shaped biscuits.

Useful Websites

Costa locations in London and England

Chinese and Lunar New Year - which is which? Buy books in London and Celebrate in Singapore

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year Books  Books in Daunt's book shop in Hampstead featured Chinese new Year. 

A tall man, exclaimed, 'My wife is Korean and she wouldn't like that. She says, "It's not Chinese New Year, it's lunar New Year!" '

I thought it was time somebody wrote a book called lunar New Year. I looked around the bookshop and found several people had.

Also books on an assortment of festivals.

Lunar New Year

I read it up on Wikipedia. There's lunar new year, solar new year, and if that wasn't enough, there's lunisolar new year. 

If you want a simple explanation, go to Simple Wiki or look at a book for children.

Chinese New Year 

Chinese New Year is celebrated in China and Hong Kong, Taiwan, Chinatowns worldwide including London, England, the USA and Canada. 

Singapore Lion Dance

When I was in Singapore all year I would pass building which were the headquarters of Lion Dance groups. The week around Chinese New Year, lion dance groups would perform for free, often sponsored, in public places, outside railway stations, in shopping malls, utside and inside restaurants, at clubs, and in homes for weekend or midweek parties.  

In Singapore the lunisolar festival is also called the Spring Festival and although this year, 2025, it is celebrated at the start, the weekend 29 until the lantern festival. However, I saw orange lanterns all through Chinese New Year in Singapore in shopping malls and hotels.

Lo Hei - Singapore Style

Other features are the Chinese New Year dinner dish, invented in a hotel. In the centre of each round dinner table are placed vegetables of different colours sliced up on a large circular platter, with pink salmon or other fish, condiments, and it all tossed in the air with chopsticks, the higher the better for good luck, whilst shouting good luck messages in Chinese. Lo Hei. You can buy party sets of the vegetables in supermarkets. The price varies according to size, whether chopsticks for all and a platter are included, and whether the fish is included. Occasionally there's a deal such as a discount coupon for fresh fish bought with the vegetables.

Meanwhile, back in the bookshops in London, you can buy books as gifts so you and your family can read all about it.

Useful Websites

Daunt Books, Marylebone, and Hampstead Heath's Kiddie Corner

 My husband bought books for 9 and 11 year old children in the Marylebone branch and books for a three and a half year old coming up to four. The assistant found the books the older two children requested and suggested books for the third child. 

A plastic bag with a pretty design was available for ten pence.

The shop's bag

The bag was a good souvenir, a reminder of the name of the shop if you want to tell anybody else, and was a handy way to keep your own books or gifts together. The bag would have made a suitable wrapping, if you were happy for the recipient to know your gift was a book.

We took refuge from the rain in their other branch at Hampstead near Hampstead Heath after visiting the Garden Gate pub for lunch and finding the coffee shop had no room for six of us.

The Daunt bookshop was full of interesting, enticing books, those around the counter being extra interesting, as well as those on the high shelves.

Children's Corner

The Childen's Corner with seating. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

When we walked further into the shop we discoved an archway over steps leading into a short passage which had been converted into a kiddie book nook, with stools of three sizes where children could sit and look at books.

This kept the six of us, aged 3 to 78 entertained for half an hour. The oldest child was able to read to the youngest and select books for her, thus allowing the adults to browse undisturbed, Also the three childen were entertained, and bonded.

A delightful shop. We would definitely go back on our next visit, and seek out their other shops.

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Garden Gate Pub Restaurant For A Great Sunday Roast In Hampstead


Garden Gate restaurant, garden. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

Why is it called The Garden Gate? A garden is at the back. Probably very pleasant on a fine summer's day. Inside, this traditional British pub has stained glass windows.

Our extended family who live in the area told us their children loved the Sunday roast. You can order a beef or chicken roast. A large Yorkshire pudding is on top. The restaurant also does pork.

The Sunday Roast with Yorkshire pudding. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

The apple crumble dessert. You can have custard or vanilla ice cream, or both, with your crumble.

I had taken the precaution of reading their menu online the night  before our visit.

Top Temptations Over all, 4.5/5
1 Sunday roast 5/5
2 Crumble Dessert 5/5
3 Prosecco by the glass 4/5
4 Drawing sheet to keep and jar of crayons to borrow for children 5/5
Toilets 4/5
Would I go back. Resounding yes. A family favourite. The children love it.
Obliging service. Ambience, even when crowded, not too loud.
We reserved a table for six.
The location is near the Hampstead Heath railway station.

14 South End Road, Greater, London NW3 2Q

Useful Website

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Chinese New Year Celebrations In England and Lunar New Year Worldwide

 Chinese New Year is Wednesday 29th January, 2025, in case you hadn't noticed, or had forgotten.

If you are in the UK you can stock up on goodies for your own celebrations in supermarkets such as Tesco. They stock paper plates and serviettes showing orange lanterns, chopsticks, and Chinese fortune cookies.

Look for celebrations at local Chinese restaurants in many UK high streets. Also in the Chinatown areas of London and Manchester.

In London there are celebrations the following weekend, Saturday February 1st and Sunday February 2nd. Expect a parade, and a stage at Trafalgar Square.

Useful Websites

Easter Eggs in England and Cadbury Chocolate Visits


Easter eggs in Tesco.  Photo by Angela Lansbury.

You have plenty of time to shop and prepare for Easter. Good Friday is April 18th. Easter Sunday is the 20th. (In 2025, since Easter is a movable feast.)

Cadbury's is one of England's favourite brands. Milk chocolate and plain chocolate, and dark chocolate. Chocolate bars, and Easter Eggs, covered in chocolate, and filled with white and yellow cream. 

A chocolate egg the size of a real egg, a hen's egg, has an alarming number of calories. When I read this after eating one, I was so upset, I felt so low, that I needed to cheer up by eating another egg. The moral is, read the label before buying, not after eating.

Chocolate prices and novelty egg prices normally come down immediately after Easter. In Tesco, you get reductions on some items if you have a club card. It is worthwhile signing up for the clubcard in advance. 

As with many loyalty cards, if you decide to join at the last minute, you have the stress of not being sure that when you try to fill in the form later, you have credited your first spend after deciding to join.

But before we reach Easter, we have Valentine's Day on February 14th, and Chinese New Year.

I have fond memories of visiting the Cadbury Factory site in England. You need to check the opening hours, the days of opening, and whether you can book a ticket. 

If you cannot take a tour, but you are a chocolate lover, you will probably be satisfied with a stop at the big factory shop.

Useful Websites

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Help - driver going the wrong way on a motorway! Lessons from the UK, USA, New Zealand

California wrong way signage. Wikipedia.

In the UK and USA drivers have gone the wrong way. Causing fatal accidents. Several changes are needed. 

I was shocked. I thought, another one, that's two, one each side of 'the pond' or ocean. When I read the statistics, I was even more shocked. More than 400 such accidents in the USA each year.  Of course, prevention costs money. But imagine the costs of medicine for injuries, car damage, car replacement, insurance reports, insurance company investigations, police and ambulance attending, traffic delays, missed social events and work appointments, even clothes and stress to others, plus, of course, hospitals, enquiries, inquests into causes of accident events, coroner's report on medical findings, funerals, gravestones, memorial services, sometimes prosecutions or private court cases seeking damages, petitions for changes in the law.

I started writing two changes are needed. Then I thought of more and reached five. 

1 One way barriers to exits so only emergency vehicles can enter them.

2 Immediate warning signs to stop to all traffic if a vehicle enters the wrong way on a slip road. 

3 A wrong way vehicle emergency number to summon police if a vehicle is driving the wrong way. Restore hard shoulders so vehicles can pull over and stop if they or another vehicle are driving the wrong way. 

4 Mandatory stopping of traffic if a vehicle is seen driving the wrong way, not just honking and flashing lights. 

5 Lay-bys, or pull-ins, or pedestrian spaces are needed on the fast lane. My vehicle was hit by another and came to rest in the fast lane, endangering me and others. At my request the driver or a large lorry blocked my lane, also the next lane, by parking diagonally, which was an obvious obstruction and unusual position which could be seen for miles back, slowing traffic and prevented multiple rear-enders.

Some measures have already been taken, clearly not enough.

Causes of Wrong Way Driving


Near borders and ferries UK-France, drivers where other countries drive on the opposite side. Drivers quickly realise their mistake and usually reverse slowly and re-route. Nowadays more and larger signs warn the British and others exiting from ports onto main roads. 

If you hire a local car, the driver's seat and driving wheel are usually in the middle of the road so he can see oncoming and distant traffic, whilst the front passenger seat is by the (pedestrian) pavement (sidewalk is what Amreicans call it) so that passengers exit safely, not into the road.

Distracted Driving

Noted Causes of Wrong-Way Driving

Driver reading online road maps - (I query, due to poor signage?) 

New Zealand changed signage to make it clearer, with fewer signs meaning less clutter. 

Driver texting. 

Driver watching movies! 

(Other types of accidents have been caused by a driver distracted by animals, by children (one notable case of a mother turning to stop siblings fighting, resulting in an accident causing the death of one child), back seat passengers, insects flying in.)


In the USA there are apparently more accidents of this type in Florida, Texas and California.  I suspect the causes might relate, not entirely, but inflated by, the numbers of elderly drivers in Florida (poor eyesight, but in my opinion also Alzheimer's or poor decision making due to it; maybe drugs in California, resulting in poor attention, or thrill seeking. 

Lessons Learned To Avoid Being The Wrong-Way Driver

1 Remember which side of the road to drive on when going from the UK to Europe and Europe to the UK.

2 Have regular eye tests. Carry spare glasses in case you lose them. Check your route and intermediate points. Use speaking satnav rather than one requiring you to look down or away from the road.

3 If you miss your turning, never try to U-turn back against traffic on a motorway.

Avoiding One Way Drivers

Accidents are more likely when there is poor visibility at night or in bad weather. Watch the distance, if you can. Try to get behind an obstruction such as a parked car or tree or pole so that the other vehicle does not hit you head on with full force. In the USA you call 911 (not the old UK number of 999). Be familiar with emergency numbers, have them on a post-it and/or have them listed in your phone contacts.

Safe driving!

Useful Websites

Daily Mail 22 Jan 2025

Global Statistics On Types Of accidents, which cause most fatalities, geographical hotspots, prevention

In-car Warnings

Prevention When Others Approach Wrong Way

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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Books and Resources For Teaching and Learning English

 I was in an online Toastmasters International meeting on Zoom, talking about learning the English Language. 

My project was a question and answer session.

One of the audience asked me

1 How do I improve my English?

For American English, watch Friends with subtitles, several times, until you know the lines by heart (meaning you can remember the lines and repeat them or guess them after hearing the start of each sentence). 

For British English watch traditional British films such as

The Ladykillers, a black comedy, starring Alec Guinness and Peter Sellers.

My Fair Lady, starring Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn.

a) Listen to the BBC. 

b) Listen to recordings of speeches such as the Christmas message, by the British royals. In time order, Queen Elizabeth II, the late (i.e deceased) mother of King Charles III, and speeches by King Charles III.

c) Listen to the news on the BBC.

b) Read English newspapers such as The Times and The Sunday Times. Read technical and scientific journals on subjects which interest you.

2 Where can I find out about alliteration, similes and metaphors? 

I have written a book on alliteration. It is humorous, and alphabetical. From book titles such as Famous Five, and film stars such as Marilyn Monroe, from awesome angels, to zany zebras.

For similes and metaphors, see Rhetoric in Wikipedia.

3 Where can I find idioms? 

Books. Numerous books on Amazon, in big bookshops such as Foyles where you can pick one the right price, and with large enough print for you to read easily without getting tired. 


4 Why is my 10-year-old son at school having to learn words which he finds difficult and abstract, words like noun and adjective, when I picked up the language without knowing any of this?

Firstly, these are labels which help the teacher to quickly explain grammar. You can tell children that walking is a doing word, and a walk is the name of the activity, but it's quicker to write and say that walking is a verb and walk is the noun. 

Secondly, to find out whether a child has understood, you can ask, which is the noun? 

Think of it like symbols in mathematics. Firstly, it's quicker to write a plus sign and an euqal sign for '2+2=4', than to write out, 'add two to two together and you get four'. Also, in a mathematics exam, a pupil is asked to show the the addition signs in the working, not just give the answer, which could have been copied from the anwer page at the back of the book or copied from somebody else's homework.

Finally, many parents think they speak perfect English when they are making errors all the time. 

Errors can cause confusion. I was too polite to tell my Chinese friend that she is confusing the words lend and borrow. One day she phoned and asked if she could lend me an English-Chinese dictionary. I said yes. 

She was surprised when I didn't bring it to lunch. I was expecting her to lend me a book. I didn't realise she wanted me to lend her one of my books. 

In Chinese they have one ambiguous word which means both lend and borrow. (Ambiguous means having two meanings.)

'Having two meanings' is three words. The label 'ambiguous' is one word. 

1 Can you recomment a grammar book? The classic book is Fowler's.

2 Can you recommend a dictionary, English and American?

British English = The Concise Oxford Dictionary. Or any etymoloiicla dicitonary. An Etymological dictionary give you the language origin and meaning of the root of the word. This makes it eassssier to understand and remember words and spellings. For example, ager is Latin for field. The word agriculture is to do with farming. Hortus is Latin for garden. So horticulture is to do with gardening.

American spelling

Webster's Dictionary. Noah Webster was a publisher who produced dictionaries and school books.  He simplified spelling to make it easier to read and write, for immigrants, as well as children born in the USA.

3 How can I learn spelling? (I get confused between English and American.)

If you are academic and scientific and like to know the origins of words, learn British English. However if you simply want to learn to read and write English fast, learn and use American spelling. It was simplified to help learners like you.

4 Which is more useful, British or American English? If you are in America or selling to Americans, stick to American English. If you are liing in the UK or your job involves UK citizens, use British English. Simply looking at statistics, there are more Americans than British people.

If you want to know how many poeple speak English as a first or second language in individual countries, and the whole world, and how long it takes to learn a language, check Wikipedia.

5 Which is easiest to learn, British or American English? American English. 

However, if you simply want to communicate with lots of people around the world, consider learning Spanish, Swedish, or the made up language Esperanto.

What language was spoken before the Romans invaded Britain? Celtic.

How do I learn so many English words? Just keep on leaarning, every day. That's what everybody has to do. New technical terms and brand names come along all the time. 

Words have been changing since Shakespeare's time, and before.

If you like musical languages, learn Welsh or Italian. Italian is the language of opera. If you want to write songs and rhyming poetry, Italian is a good language with so many words ending in o and a. 

However, if you want lots of words giving you a choice of long or short words from many languges, learn and use English.

The French have tried to protect and preserve their language, through the Aliance Francaise. They fought against the introduction of the phrase le weekend. I think they lost that battle, and have finally conceded.

English took from William the Conqueror and his Norman buddies (friends) words such as beef from boeuf, which is French for cow. It bit mispronounced and changed over time. 

Banquette, bouquet, chauffeur and cul-de-sec, another 500 words. See Wikipedia for loan words from other languages, borrowed by the British. 

 English has adopted words from Greek, Latin, French and around the world. The word sputnik is Russian. Yacht is Dutch, Kindergarten is German. Safari is Swahili. 

From the bible we adopted many words and names. Cherubim and seraphim use the Hebrew im for plurals. An annotated bible given you the origin of some of words and names. El and Jo or Ya are names for God. El as in Elizabeth. Joel combines both. Ben means son of. Benjamin, son of my right hand. Reu-ben, see a son.

America is increasingly influenced by Spanish. New York has many Yiddish words, which are German, written in Hebrew. Keep shtum means keep quiet.

Looking up words in a dicitonary, and compiling lists of words in English from your favourite foreign languages, is an endless education and entertainment.

Of course, the best way to lear a language is by immersion. You can find language courses, and TEFL courses for learning to teach English, attached to colleges and universities in many foreign cities. Then you can travel overseas and teach English.

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Thursday, January 16, 2025

New Biblical Site Discovered in Jerusalem, City of David

Photo from Wikivoyage.

Let's hope the promised peace from January 2025 will allow us to visit areas which have been inaccessible.

An exciting new discovery from Archaeologists in Jerusalem. A biblical character is recorded as having destroyed local temples, one of which was hidden to save it and the artifacts in it. 

Archaeologists have recently revealed the buried bulding they believe to be the mostly a destroyed local temple. It contains floor channels which could have been runaways for blood from sacrifice on an altar. 

An obelisk which was worshipped remains, and evidence of oil. 

The destroyer, Hezekiah, was recorded in the New Testament as being an ancestor of a Jesus.  

I was shocked to read that a leader had destroyed a pagan temple. And destroyed a little local temple in order to promote a larger central temple so that he had control. How many times has this happened in history? Many. 

In the UK and probably elsewhere Roman temples were build on hilltops previously occupied by pagan buildings.  

Nonetheless, a fascinating discovery from long, long ago.

Useful Website

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Toilets In Starbucks & Coffee Bars

If people are using Starbucks for rest rooms (in the UK we say toilets), are there public rest rooms nearby? If so, put a sign on the door saying,

If you just want a rest room, go to (such and such a place).

If there are no public rest rooms within half a mile, the local street or area business owners, or council, should be providing some.

Where else can people go?




Shopping malls


Useful Websites

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Packing List For Medicines & Checklist For Health & Safety

 Packing List

1 Past Prescriptions.

2 Pills - whatever you take regularly. eg Thyroxine, contaceptive pills.

3 Pill Dispenser.

4 List of hospitals, clinics, sports injury centres, doctors, dentists, pharmacies at destination, and insurance membership number and phone helpline.

5 Salt in labelled container saying it is salt.

6 Toothbrush and paste. Dental Floss. Toothpicks. From pharmacies and some UK dentists' reception areas.

7 Panadol / painkiller. Antibiotics.

8 For long trips, dental repair kit which you can buy in UK pharmacies.

9 Water and water beaker for taking pills.

10 Translation for vital phrases at a doctor, dentist or pharmacy. (See Wikivoyage phrasebooks.)

11 Plasters, flexible and breathable, also waterproof to allow for showers and swimming.

12 Sting relief.

13 Mosquito repellent or lavender products or lemon products.

14 Bandages.

15 Plain white large cotton scarf as sling for arm. (Fold a square into a supportive triangle and tie it behind neck.)

16 Cap with neck cover against sunburn - prevention is better than cure.

17 Car first aid kit.

18 Wet wipes for hand washing and cleaning aircraft tray tables.

19 Manicure kit for jagged fingernails and hangnails.

20 Towelling square (face flannel) for washing and drying hands and body in places without hand towels.

21 Milk of Magnesia / breath mints.

Walk around your nearest drug store or UK chemist to find small sizes and prices. Check that medicines are not out of date, nor banned in countries you are visiting. For example, quantities of sleeping pills or medical marijuana.

 Carry a doctor's note saying you can travel, if pregnant.

More news on successfully fighting fires with earth, water, lime and neighbours


Upadate on fires in California, USA. A surgeon fought fires using these methods

1 Replacing wooden roof tiles with fireproof tiles.

2 Stocking up with spades etc.

3 Getting to know neighbours so they could c-ordinate a plan.

4 Using spades to use earth to cover ground fires (saving water).

5 Escape plan - floats to go out to sea, to the ocean.

Commentators said that bricks have been banned because they are not suitable in eathquake areas becuase bricks are not flexible, unlike wood. However, others have said the factor is not the bricks but the connecting material. Lime based material between the bricks is flexible.

This does require able-bodied people to fight fires and rescue others. Each street should have a resident' association with a pooling of ideas, information, finances, resources, and action. 

Useful Websites

Daily Mail Tuesday 12 feb 2025

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Monday, January 13, 2025

Water and Fire retardants against Flames

The reports of fires in California are alarming. What can be done?

One man put oscillating garden hose sprinkers on his roof. Not spraying water but spraying fire retardant. He had bought fire retardant chemicals. 

What are fire retardant chemicals?

Planes are dropping them instead of water.

But, again, environmentalists are protesting that the anti-fire measures are a threat to wildlife.

However, in Australia, people sent to rescue wildlife from fires told heartbreaking stories of animals which could be heard screaming in terror and pain and were found badly burned.

Another man claimed to have saved his house with water hoses.  And water from his swimming pool. But you need pumps and generators (when local electricity is cut off, if it doesn't fail) to raise the water to roof level.

Others have used water from nearby streams. Or their own storage tanks.

The fire services should know where the swimming pools are.  

Useful Websites

Packing Medicines - Travel Tooth Problems Tackled - with Antibiotics, Prescriptions, Mouthwash, Photos

I pack assorted medicines to go on holiday. The first thing is an elastoplast in my handbag for counteracting the effects rubbing shoes, or dealing with minor cuts. 


Nowadays you can buy a spray-on Elastoplast. That is a kind of antiseptic. 

Tooth Repair Kit

You can also buy an emergency tooth repair kit. In case you lose a filling. But this requires a steady hand to apply to the right place. 

I told my friends about this. One weekend they phoned me and asked if they could have my kit, which they would replace on Monday when the shops opened.

Tooth Trouble Tale

This year, 2025, I had a stabbing pain in a tooth with a filling for a few seconds after I used a toothpick after eating. 

I went to the dentist. He took an x-ray. Fortunately, not an immediate disaster. Unless it got worse, and I had non-stop pain lasting more than an hour.

No, I didn't want my tooth extracted. And a crown. Which only lasts ten years. 

More expense, now. And in the future. 

A whole caboodle.  Bed rest for recovery, when I have outings and holidays planned. A breif period with no tooth, before the crown arrives, looking unsightly.

And I have fragile bones, osteoporosis. And a head injury from a car accident. I could end up with a broken jaw. Migraines.

And the pain! I bad memories of being in bed in agony for days after the extraction of my wisdom teeth.

Let's look on the bright side. From my visit to the dentist, I learned several useful things.

Who Can Prescribe Anti-biotics?

In the UK a denstist can prescribe antibiotics for a problem such as a small tooth abscess. No need for me to go to the doctor for the antibiotics. I was relieved there was no need for me to have a tooth extracted there and then.

A dentist can prescribe antibiotics for you to take when you have an ongoing tooth problem and you are about to travel to a remote place.

Pharmacy Information

In England we call the pharmacy a chemist (shop). In America they refer to a drug store.

When I got to the chemist's, the pharmacy, with my prescription, I asked the size of the pills. Large pills would need a lot of water to swallow. Was there an alternative size of pill? Could I chew the pill or crush it? 

The assistant, the pharmacist's wife, looked at the antibiotic pill packet to find out if the pill had a coating, which she said was to stop it being an irritant to your stomach lining. Really? If so, don't crush it.

Liquid Medicine

She said there was an alternative liquid medicine. I had aleady decided to avoid liquid when travelling, because they are not allowed on planes if the bottle of liquid is to large. Could be a nuisance. But faced with large pills, I was having second thoughts, about a course I might start before I left for my travels. So, I wanted to discuss the options,.

But she could not change my prescription from the pills to the liquid. I would have to go back to the dentist. And other patients have said that liquid tastes  horrible.


To create an emergency mouthwash, use salt in water. So said my dentist. Not new information for me. But I had forgotten it. Great reminder.

When travelling, you can take with you salt. Sometimes you find tiny packets of salt at fast food places.

So, salt is easier. What about prescriptions?

Photograph Of Prescriptions 

I photograph all my prescriptions. Then if I lose the medicine in lost luggage, misrouted luggage, or a stolen handbag, or forgotten jacket, I have a record online for a pharmacist at my destination. 

If security says I can't import pills, I will have proof that they are a prescribed medicine for my own use, and not for resale. Nor are they some forbidden, unknown drug.

Who Can Prescribe Antibiotics?

Afterwards I was talking to other people about my experiences. My family told me that in the UK psychiatrists can prescribe medicines because they have had medical training. But psychologists cannot. 

Who Is A Medical Doctor?

Confusingly, in the UK the word doctor almost always means a medical professional. However, over in Germany other professions such as engineers, who have a doctorate, a PhD, are called Doctor. 

I am now armed with a whole lot of things for packing on my next trip. I just need a list!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Fire Causes - watering plants is good? Now the opposite of what you think

For Watering

 I was wondering why people didn't water their gardens to help prevent tinder-dry vegetation going up in flames. But would that encourage growth?

Against Watering

Now I read that there was a ban on water use. Also those who watered gardens are being blamed for the lack of water to put out house fires.


I am starting to understand that in many cases the right course of action is like balancing a see-saw. (According to the American heritage dictionary, in northern parts of the USA what the British call a see-saw is known as a teeter board or teeter-totter. Canada seems to use both words.)

 The right amount of water has to be judged. Just like watering a plant in a pot, or a vase. Neither too much water, nor too little.

Useful Websites

More Theories About Houses Surviving Fires

It seems that brick constructionis banned in some or all of California. Because bricks are considered dangerous during earthquakes. 

But what about wooden construction? What happens in other parts of the world?

In Japan they use wood. 

But they can roll up their beds (futons). They keep blueprints of houses which are rebuilt exactly the same as before many times. They have less furniture, since they sit on the floor. They remove floor cushions and roll up scroll wall hangings which are changed to match the seasons. I heard that they have a policeman on every street corner. This discourages looting, especially as they have a culture of honour so they would not wish to damage their reputation by petty crime. 

Greece also has earthquakes.

Alternatives to flammable wood are concrete. Pebbles.

Useful Websites

Friday, January 10, 2025

Insurance, house fire and health - countries UK and USA compared

Fire Problem 

January 9th and 10th 2025 saw wildfires destroying areas of Los Angeles on west coast USA. I saw news reels showing the destruction of homes, restaurants, and a gas station (which in the UK would be called a garage, with petrol pumps). 

Fire was not a once in a thousand years unexpected event. We have known about the spread of fire since the Great Fire of London, for which there is a monomuent you can see in London, where the fire started in a bakery. Wooden buildings were built close together. Fire just ran along rows of houses from one to another.

I saw something similar happen to the house opposite. A man was gardening. He dropped the flaming weedkiller on the ground to answer the phone or the front doorbell. The weedkiller flame or spark ignited low plants. The flames or sparks reached the row of trees along the fence. The flame ran horizontally along the trees.   

Fortunately, the anxious neighbours in their back kitchen had seen flames near their window and later shoot along their fence and had called the fire brigade before I saw flames appearing above the garage, and thought, oh, a bonfire, wait a minute, that's above the garage which is taller than a six foot man, that's a nine foot high flame right beside a garage with a car in it or beside it, don't wait a minute, call the fire brigade now.

Afterwards the lady fire officer told me that she and her crew arrived just in time. In another fire minutes both houses would have been alight and gone.

So the fire brigades as well as insurance deal with fires in an area and know about fire worldwide and through history. Every househoder landowner landlord and tenant hotel management and hotel guest needs to know what precautions could and should be taken to prevent or to tackle or escape from fire, flood and burglary / invasion by burglars or hooligans or war.

Fire Insurance

Fire insurers (as well as governments doing worst case scenario planning) know what fire prevention measures are taken in each area, the likelihood of fire, and the cost of compensation, for rehousing and rebuilding.

 Home owners complained that a major insurer failed to renew insurance cover for homes and buildings, because a legal cap on the amount the insurance could charge. This was supposed to protect the consumer. However, the insurance companies apparently saw that they risked going broke because of the hire risk of fire. 

Yet some islands of unburned building remained. Brick chimneys standing like towers over the ash of woodden dwellings. The entire Getty museum estate with fire up to its gates.

What was different about the safe areas? Apparently As far as I can tell, precautions are well known but not budgeted for.

Building Construction And Reconstruction

What was not done? 

1 To prevent dry burning bushes by cutting,, or controlled burning of bushes which would catch fire naturally, from sparks from other fires (or from arson). 

2 Water Storage For Prevention

Houses were built of wood, which is good for resisitng earthquakes, but bad for fires. If you build rows of houses together that saves on heating but prevents access to the back and means fire spreads unless the construction is fireproof. If you build out garages to adjoin adjacent buildings, that could make a domino effect for fires, and a gap which is too narrow means you cannot repaint to remove insects animals, humans who fall, work there, trapped cats, mould from leaking gutters, nor provide a fire break.

4 Affordable Insurance

Apparently, the government's laws, designed to protect the consumer, put a cap on the price or percentage increase of insurance in order to make it affordable by the consumer so that people did not risk going without insurance. 

Unfortunately, it seems that the insurance copanies calculated that the see saw balance tipped so that the income would not cover the outgoings in a catastrophe (which was not preventable because the govenment had cut funding of services such as fire brigades, trained officers - bringing in untrained people from ethnic minorities or majorities to provide them with employment and water storage.

Insurance companies are required to hold enough money from income to pay out for scattered or grouped disasters. They might write in clauses warning that they will not (and cannot) pay out for major catastrophic events (such as war and riots) which would require more financial compensation than has been paid in that year (minus the payment for the insurance companies' staff, offices, and shareholders dividends).

Possible Solutions - Water Storage

If water was not stored, use sea water. 

Why was sea water not brought in? 

At first it was. This works in small scale fires if the winds are blowing smoke away from the approaching planes. 

However, in a major fire with huge amounts of smoke blowing towards the incoming planes the pilots cannot operate and even if they want to take the risk they are banned for their own safety and the safety of the aircraft (and those below in the event of a crashed plane) and the cost of more compensation for injured firefighter pilots and loss of firefighters or pilots.

That leaves us with two options for the future.

1 Water Storage

Every house should have water storage and be warned at fire risk times to store water and to water gardens and bushes. 

But you get hose pipe bans during hot times of drought. Yes. So you have to cut down un-needed bushes.

But conservationists say that animals and insects live there. 

Also in London, our local professional gardener, Martin, complained about people concreting over front gardens to make driveways. Cynics, or kind people, might say, that means less work available for gardeners. That affects him. But he is already in high demand. 

Water Drainage - Flood Risks And Prevention

What affects everybody is the risk of flooding, made worse by concrete and roads, because water cannot sink into the ground but flows downhill. It pools above the damp proof course, a horizontal black line which looks like slate between the bricks about a foot off the ground, which you can see on blocks of flats. 

I was sent videos of flooding in Northwood at Sentis Court. It also affects bungalows (such as Hillview Road in Hatch End, and businesses at the bottom of sloping roads (such as the Broadway, (the high street, which American call main street) in Hatch End. So, this could affect housing complexes and hillside streets worldwide. 

Eveything requires the right balance. Too much water (dams not repaired or overflowing) and you get flooding. Too little water, you get fires or cannot put out fires.

Insurance Options

The state (of California) could, and in my opinion should, offer last resort insurance the way that the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK operates. The UK government taxes your income (National Health Insurance contribution) and provides basic health care.

 If every state in the USA including California did this, then each state would take an amount to insure your home and provide health care. The state would also be responsible for rehousing and rebuilding homes for the homeless. 

But the hospitals in the UK are only where the state builds them, and they want big hospitals in one place near cities, so local residents are often heard of running cmapiaagns to prevent th closure of smaller hospitals which the state or local council wants to centralise. Similarly, the state (in Singapore Housing Development Board, HDB for short) provides homes on cheaper land out of town, and sometimes on flood risk land. So, hospitals and homes, are only where the state builds them. (And where government decides to build them.) 

The same applies to local government and commercial and individual decisions. In an ideal world, every individual has the money and sense to take good precautions. Also, and so does the govenment. No ignorance, risk-taking, irresponsiblity, corruption, greed.

If only.

Lessons Learned

Ghetty Museum

1 Concrete Building

Not wood, thick concrete walls.

2 Sprinklers outside. (The Ghetty Museum can't have water inside all over watercolours and oil paintings. 

Modern hotels are different. They have sprinklers to protect people. They don't have heirlooms. Minimal objects, to prevent theft. Furnishings changed every three years anyway because of wear and tear and to update.)

3 Evacuation

When a fire is nearby, museums like the Ghetty get fewer visitors. They can send away ticket selling staff. 

They could just keep a minimum of outdoor firefighters, mostly daytime only, keeping watch. Already outdoors, they could escape in a hurry.

Onlookers From Afar

Those of us far away can only look on with horror at disasters. No. We can learn. To prevent disaster happening to us. (Global warming. Water storage. Budgets for fire fighting. Meritocracy for recruiting firefighters. Insurance.)

And to step in with advice, and financial and equipment help. And sympathy. 


Meanwhile, for travellers, your travel to Los Angeles or through Los Angeles might be disrupted.

May the rest of 2025 bring better news for all of us worldwide. 

Useful Websites

Daily Mail article on Ghetty Museum

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