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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Pretty Pearl Sculpture in La Paz, Mexico

 I like landmarks as quick openers to slide shows, articles, even boxes of brochures saved from recent holidays. Everybody knows Tower Bridge the symbol for London, England, UK, and the Eiffel Tower for Paris, France, but now here's a new one, the pearl.

The Spanish, Mexican Spanish, name for this sculpture is La Perla. Wonderful - a quick way to learn one new word of Spanish. I love learning languages from place names. La Perla is in La Paz, which means peace.

English - Mexican Spanish

and - y

bronze - bronce

by/of - de 

in - en

(the) peace - la paz

Pearl/the pearl - la perla\

sculpture - escultura

stainless steel - acero inoxidable

the - la

Spanish - English

acero inoxidable - stainless steel

bronce - bronze

de - by/of

en - in

escultura - sculpture

la - the

la paz - peace (literally the peace)

la perla - the pearl

y - and

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Español: Escultura en bronce y acero inoxidable, "La Perla" de Octavio González Gutiérrez, en la Paz, Baja California Sur, México
English: Sculpture on bronze and stainless steel, "La Perla" by Octavio González Gutiérrez, in la Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
SourceOwn work
AuthorCarlos Valenzuela
SoftwareRawTherapee 5.1, Gimp 2.8
Camera location24° 09′ 40.9″ N, 110° 19′ 05.7″ W  Heading=287° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.

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