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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Italian language learning - quick tips

I use Duolingo daily.

When travelling to New Zealand, I watched a film in English, then In Italian with English subtitles.


 When you hear the letter v in a verb it is like the word have in English and means the past tense. For example, 

Italian - English

amici - friends

ancora - still

broccoli - broccoli

cerco - I'm looking for

e - and

Frutti - fruit

frutti di mare - seafood (literally fruit of the sea)

(al) funghi - (with, literally at) mushrooms

ho bisogno - I need

il poliziotto - the police (officer)

lei - she

letto - bed

non posso - I can't (In Italian the negative comes first, before the verb, as in the Enlish phrase, not possible.

non sono felice - I am not happy 

ospiti - guests

insalata - salad

pesce - fish

pollo - chicken

posso - I can (like the English word possible)

regali - gifts

ritardo / in retardo - late

rosa - pink

salmone - salmon

sono felice - I am happy

sono stanco - I am tired

sono malato - I am ill

souvenir - souvenirs 

sto aspettando (per) - I am waiting for

sto vomitando - I am vomiting

tavola - table

torta - cake

troppo - too

urgente - urgent

vino bianco - white wine (the adjective is after the noun)

vitello - veal


compormento - behavious

For a useful set or grouped phrases see the Phrasebook in Wikivoyage.

English - Italian

and - e

bed - letto

(the) breakfast - (la) colazione 

cake - torta

chicken - pollo

(the) dining room - la sala da pranzo

fish - pesce

(the) flu - l'influenza

friends - amici

gifts - regali

guests - ospiti

I can - posso

I can't - non posso

I'm looking for - cerco

I need - ho bisogno

late - ritardo / in ritardo

Long - lunga

(the) manager - il direttore

my husband - mio marito

My wife - mia moglie (my is mia, not mia, because the word my agrees with or or a to match the thing or person being described - which sounds nicer, don't you think?)

our group - il nostro gruppo

pink - rosa

(the) police officer - il poliziotto

salad - insalata

salmon - salmone

she - lei

souvenirs - souvenir

table - tavola

troppo - too

urgent - urgente

veal - vitello

where is - dov'è (accent on the e for the verb to be. no accent on e meaning and)

White wine - vino bianco

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