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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

What to see in Santander - cathedral, art gallery, clifftop and more

 Santander, the post and sailing centre on Spain's northern coast is a lovely city. You drive from the ferry port straight into the city centre, passing an ultra modern art gallery and underground car park, where we parked to visit the cathedral.

The Cathedral

The Cathedral is surprisingly small.  Like a living room with two side rooms. The free leaflet was easy for me to read although I have very limited Spanish.  You can see it all in 5-10 minutes.

Then a drive along the coast road, with at ground level passing the little boats and the sea. Or on the clifftop where the joggers run along under the trees passing the bus stops and the open top tourist bus. Cyclists have their own lane railed off beween the cars and the jooggers.

Down again to ground level you see the palatial building of the casino. Opposite is the grand hotel where wwe had a resonably priced coffee and toillet stop.

Altogether delightful. You might find yourself driving around the one way system in circles looking for the cathedral which we did before we discovered the reasonably priced car park which is adjacent to the cathedral.

Altogether, visitor friendly.


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