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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Fall From Grand Canyon Cliff Edge - How To Save Lives

Grand Canyon, USA

 Reading about a fatal fall into the Grand Cnyon made me ponder what more could be done. Poeple are nowadays warned 

1 Do not wander off marked trails. 

2 Stay bck six foot from the edge. 

Never take a picture of people standing with their back to the canyon in case they fall over stepping backwards. And conversealy, don't take pictures of others whilst you stand near the edge, in case you step back.

There are safe lookout and photo points. 

Add the idea of professional photographers. I ussed to resent rides and sites which made visitors pay for professional photos by their onsite photogrpaher. But, in the light of so many fatal accidents,I now wonder whether it is safer for everybody to not have members of the public leaping about trying to get better photos, endangering themselves,passers-by, and rescuie services. 

Rescue helicopter.

The area should be cordoned off for miles. It would probabl cost less than all the deaaths and search operations, body recovery and insurance payouts and loss of income. Maybe all parks should charge a premium on entry fees,which is returned if you get backk safely.ed to resent places which made ou pay a premium for photos of yourself on a ride or other experience. Now I can see that it might stop the photographer from leaning out to get a better picture.

The safety in national parks website has lots of useful tips which are obviously sensible, after you have read them. Useful reminders.

Useful Websites


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