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Sunday, February 23, 2025

How to keep leftovers safe and fresh in a car when travelling and on a touring holiday

 On a fly-drive touring holiday we had to deal with lots of leftovers. To avoid over-eating, we often ordering one starter between two and one dessert between two. Portions in the USA and New Zealand are designed to satisfy the six footers and we are smaller.

What can be done to keep food fresh?

1 Carry an insulated fold up bag in your copious shoulder bag or rucksack.

2 Keep a large insulated styrofoam box in the boot of your car if you don't have to worry about airline weight. (Or travel with your rucksack inside the larger and solid box.)

3 Take a small freezer block which can be frozen before you leave home, later in your hotel bedroom fridge overnight. Make a reminder note in your Last Minute Actions to Get freezer block from fridge.

Photo by Angela Lansbury.

4 Ask the hotel or restaurant for a small bag of ice.

5 If you cannot buy ice, buy the cheapest frozen item from a supermarket, such as peas or vegetables, ideally something you can eat which won't go off, but will help keep other items cool.

6 Wet a paper tissue from your car tissue box, or a hand drier in a public toilet, or a face flannel. Place it over a sealed plastic box containing food inside a plastic bag. The evaporation of the water should help cool the food.

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