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Friday, February 28, 2025

New Zealand Place Names & Restaurants Using Maori Words to recognize and remember

Flag of New Zealand


Wh is pronounced f

Word Order

In the Maori language, adjectives follow nouns, the same as in French (moulin rouge, red mill), Italian and Spanish (casa mia is my house).

Double Words

Rotorua  →  roto  "lake" +  rua  "two" = "two lakes" 

Common Words

Te is the, singular. Think of it as the word the shortened with the letter h missing. 

Maori - English

iti - small (think of bitty and little, itty-bitty)

kia ora - hello, thanks, 

kiri - bell, bark (of a tree), skin

komiti - committee

maunga - mountain

miti - meat

motu - island

motuka - motorcar

nau - come / ship

Nau mai / (and or) haere mai - welcome / welcome to (seen on signposts as you enter a region or city)

Nui - big (think of e-normous)

panana - banana

pea - pear

pune - spoon

Rotorua (place name) - literally lake two = two lakes


te - the (as in Kiri Te Kanawa the opera singer, New Zealand soprano, sang at British royal wedding) te reo - the language i.e. Maori

Te Arai - The River (the name of a wine from chenin blanc grape, made by Millton Vineyard 7 Winery, Gisborne, North Island, New Zealand

Tereina - train

wai - water (in landscape), drinking water

Wahine - woman/ wife / ladies (toilet)

Waiheke - water cascading /trickling /ebbing

Wai hirere - waterfall

Waitangi - weeping waters (waters weeping) place of Waitangi treaty

whanga - harbour, bay

English - Maori

big - nui

hello - how are you - kia ora

island - motu

lake - in the lake

small - iti

the - te (singular)

two - twoāori_words_and_phrases

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