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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Broken wine bottle leaking - here's the answer

We once got off a plane with a wine bottle which had broken in flight. Two jets of red wine dripped onto our luggage and the floor. It was such a shock. At first I thought somebody was bleeding.

Luckily the bottle was in hand luggage and not packed in a suitcase. One person held the bottle upright. Another raced for the toilets and a supply of tissues. We soon had a red papier mache hands like a boxer.

Anything to declare? Just embarrassment. we were red-handed. But surprisingly nobody stopped us. If they noticed, they were glad to see us go.

Next we had to persuade the taxi to take us, not to a hospital, home, via the nearest wastebin.

Now somebody has invented the answer, to protect your body, your hands, your clothes and your luggage, public places and your home or your host's property.

It looks like a black bottle carrier but has not one, not two, but three zip locks. Then the handle fastens with a handy loop tape (Velcro brand or similar). At under £10 it's a great item for yourself or a gift. And for those occasions when a bottle of wine alone is not enough, a handy addition.

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