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Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Two countries divided by a common language. Here are some of today's discoveries:
Foods from an article on food on a stick: ice lollies (known as popsicles in the US) and lollipops (also known as suckers and hard candy). Watch out for mistake in stationery and drug stores.

bobby pin - kirby grip
candy - sugar
cookie - biscuit (the US version is often large size and thick)
diaper - nappy
drug store / pharmacy - chemist
eraser - rubber
hard candy - lollipops
jelly - jam
Jello (brand name) - jelly
Kleenex - paper tissues / paper hankies
mom - mum
muffin - cup cake
pants - trousers
panty hose - tights
pavement - roadway / road surface / Tarmac
popsicles - ice lollies
roller coaster - big dipper
rubber - condom
sidewalk - pavement
soother/teether - dummy
suckers - lollipops
temple (Jewish) - synagogue
underpants - pants

Angela Lansbury, author and speaker (public speaking and radio), has lived in Rockville, Maryland and Connecticut, USA; London, England; and Singapore.

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