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Monday, August 31, 2015

Apple Juicing and Apple Butter

Apples are out on the trees in England. Richard Paget of My Apple Juice told me he's organising apple pressing and will be expanding this nationwide for next year.

England Apple day is around October 20th, different in every area, according to how well and early the apples are that year.

From January to March he and I and you will be pruning apple trees. From May to July, selling apple juice.

He said that in America lots of places have apple butter making events. What is apple butter? Just the juice over a low heat, stirred. Why is it called butter? Because you spread it like peanut butter. It is thickened like milk to make butter. It's a bit like the jollity of grape treading pressing, the activity is communal with teams, and goes on several hours, about 36 hours he says.  So over in the USA look for apple butter making events.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer, photographer, author and speaker.

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