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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Language learning online : Chinese, European languages, Hebrew?

If you want to just listen whilst doing something else, such as sewing, a good easy to understand course is Eagworms. The basic courses come in two discs with a booklet. You can buy disc one with the booklet, disc two with the booklet, or both sets together. I have found them to be ordered online.

In London I have French, Rapid Italian volume 1, Rapid Russian Volume one (lovely alliteration), Spanish discs one and two.  I thought I had it overseas. Or I could have left it in a car, somebody else's car when I was a passenger on a long trip as I don't have a player in my little car.

If I did, I would not risk listening as a driver. Ah - maybe that's why drivers never seem keen on letting me listen to my language courses on long journeys.

Now, with two homes, I need to keep lists of what is where, so I don't search for something that isn't there, or end up ordering a second copy.

I just searched for Chinese disc and up popped free language courses online. I found a system I liked, simple for beginners.

I'd been looking for Arabic or Urdu (isn't Hindi more or less the same as Urdu?). The stumbling block with Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese and Russian is that I can learn to speak it but not to read it. I can recognise one Chinese name from signposts to a city, several Greek letters, a few Russian letters, some of the Hebrew - and the Arabic must be similar.

Regarding speaking, I enjoy listening to Welsh but struggle with the letters, although I have mastered LL and c h l, a click followed by the L.

I tried the Hebrew and they have the transliteration (what it sounds like) so you don't need to understand the language, as you often need to do in a dictionary.

They have quizzes so you can test yourself which are fun to do.

This year my New Year's resolution was to learn Spanish.

Angela Lansbury, English and French teacher, author and speaker.

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