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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Wine glass stacker for dishwashers: holiday home or gift

I had an email from this company I'd used before. Nearly didn't open the email, then thought, OK, a quick look. My reward - a new product, and one that's for everybody (not just a particular broken part of a specific machine).

My first thought was that I put glasses on the top rack, following instructions. However, some newer machines seem to have a glassware programme.

Who would find this useful? Me at home. Dishwashers are no longer the preserve of the affluent or innovators. Surveys show they are installed in new homes and upgraded homes. to my suppose I learned they use less water than washing each item by hand in running water.

I must admit I no longer have the time to soak things overnight. I want to wash up using running water and put away crockery, cutlery and glassware after every meal.

In Singapore larger old-fashioned flats in older blocks have a mind's scullery. Singapore is a country where water is at a premium. Despite the fact that it seems to bucket down for most of the year, a lot of water is imported from Malaysia. Water is treated so that it's fit to drink and safe for cleaning your teeth and washing, taking a shower.

A dishwasher was given / loaned to a married couple in a new flat but the newer blocks have tiny kitchens and a dishwasher takes up work space of needs plumbing in.

One of the reviewers said that if you don't have a dishwasher, you can use the stacker to dry glasses and prevent them getting knocked over.

It could also be used for storing glasses.

If you are visiting for a wedding or anniversary party and want to take glasses as well as the bottle of fizz or vintage wine, this device could help preserve your glassware at the destination, or be a gift to live behind with your hosts.

The glass stacker is made by Electrolux, currently reduced to £14.99 (from ...!) plus any postage and packing you have to pay. It takes eight glasses. Enough for two glasses each for four or you. For a large group or party (ten at Christmas or any party) you would need two, or run the dishwasher twice, which you might be doing anyway.

Top Racks and Large Plates
Another interesting idea from the spares website, that you might need to raise the top drying rack in your dishwasher. I didn't know you could do that. I must take a look. When buying a new machine, I'll check if that is an option. You often stack larger plates below.

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