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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Hotels recycle soap! Who knew?

A Daily Mail article summarizes what happens to hotel soap which is recycled.

It is sent to a company in Florida called Clean The World. 

Wikipedia tells you about the man who started the Florida company and when.

In the factory which he opened, the soap has the surface scraped off to remove human hairs and skin. It is heated and sanitized. 

The cleaned soap is turned into noodle shapes. The noodles are reformed into bars. 

The bars of recycled soap are sent out to countries which need cheap or free soup. For example, disaster areas. Countries where children under five die from diarrhea.

The public debate whether it is better to have soap bars, and shampoo in small plastic bottles which are thrown out. Or big refillable bottles of gel. 

Some still support individual baby sized bottles. And individual soaps. You can apparently get bars of soap which act as shampoo. 

The comments section refers to the Dirty Jobs series. I checked this out in Wikipedia. 

Dirty Jobs series, year 2002, episode 180.

I already knew that water is recycled. Many items such as plastic bags and tote bags proudly inform you that they are made from recycled material.

Coffee Capsule Recycling

Our coffee capsules are collected for recycling when new ones are delivered. This works better for my family in Singapore than in the UK.

When Nespresso delivers capsules, they deliver bags for recycling capsules and take away the old bags.

I think it would be useful if hotels had a booklet on a string in the lobby telling you about subjects such as whether they recycle soap, and their reasons for decisions.

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