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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Tent Testing and Packing For A Fun Holiday - Up a Volcano

Trevor Sharot testing his tent. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

People climb hills and mountains all over the world. They camp. They patronise camping shops and the internet, stock up with kit, and get out their kit from the last trip. 

The time to test putting up a tent is not on your first night on holiday. It's in the garden at home before you leave.

Why? Not just so that you feel at ease and can do it quickly on the side of a river, mountain or volcano. or in the dark at night. Also to be sure that nothing is missing or broken. Such as a frayed and / or stretched rope or fastener.

The obvious things to take include a tent, a sleeping bag, a cooking device, water bottles, food and water, instant breakfast cereal, quick energy snacks.. Light weight pillows.


Check everything is within your luggage allowance. You might have to leave something behind, share a tent with a family member, or choose a lighter suitcase. Especially if travelling on a budget airline which has a lower luggage allowance per person. You could opt for a larger allowance. But if  you are flying on several hops with different airlines, don't make the mistake of taking your maximum allowance on the first leg of your flight on a large airline, then find your helicopter hop has a smaller luggage allowance. 

You can buy a hand held device for weighing luggage.

For repair kits, Amazon has lot of options.

Useful Kit Websites

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