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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Conquer Your Fear Of Flying - The Flight Attendant's Advce and Mine

 A flight attendant assures you that your plane is unlikely to crash under turbulence. The major problem is your own unnecessary worry, or reaction. 

She advises to listen to music - or call the flight attendant for comforting words. Since the attendants are supposed to remain seaated during turbulence, the best time to speak to them is before the turbulence. Choose a time when you get a chance to speak to them and they are not busy.

Listening to calming music, she said. I just like listening to music I like. Country music with a story to tell, keeps my attention as I listen for the punchline.\\

Window Seats

I used to sit in window seats to get the view. Later I preferred the window seat to take photos.

Advantages Of Aisle Seats

 Then I got given aisle seats a few times and found out the advantages. An aisle seat makes it easier to speak to an attendant. Easier for the attendant to speak to you. Easier for you to pop out to the toilet without disturbing others. Easier to get out of your seat - especially if you lift the arm rest by pressing the release button hidden under the arm.. 

Now I sit in aisle seats. No looking down at the ground from a height. 

Instead, the distraction of people. Instead,l ooking forwards. Such a long, huge plane. A view of unphased crew. \

To take a photo, just ask the person in the window seat to take a photo. Or the person in the middle seat, who will either on your further instruction, or their own initiative, pass your phone to the person in teh window seat.

checking your photos for camera shake and good angles will keep your mind off the turbulence.

Useful Website

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