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Thursday, June 5, 2014

FRENCH MENUS translated - for beginners

For years all the best restaurants in England had menus in French. It was de rigeur. Here's a simple guide telling you what to look for or ask for when in a hurry:

Respondez si vous plait - reply if you please (to an invitation to lunch or dinner)

Le Menu - the menu
a la carte - from the card - choice of dishes
table d'hôte - literally table of the host, means a set menu

hors d'oeuvre - literally outside of (the) work (on the meal) i.e. starter
soupe - soup
poissons - fish
maquereau - mackerel

biftec - beefsteak
boeuf - beef
porc - pork
poulet - chicken
coq au vin - cock/old chicken cooked in wine

pommes de terre - literally apples of the ground means potatoes
legumes - vegetables
vert - green
haricot - beans

fruits - fruit
fraises - strawberries
framboise - raspberry
sorbet - water ice dessert

fromage - cheese

vin - wine
blanc - white
rouge - red

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