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Friday, November 11, 2016

Heroes of Helensburgh, Scotland

Helensburgh missed out on winning the prize for its outdoor museum of sculptures around the main landmark square, Colquhoun Square, which is named after the family who founded the seaside town on the West coast of Scotland.

John Logie Baird
The most famous hero of the area is John Logie Baird, the pioneer of television, who was born here, is buried in a local cemetery, and has a circular heritage plaque on the wall of the building where he first demonstrated television.

The series of sculptures around the square are called Helensburgh Outdoor Museum. The sculptures include one of four boots and shoes.

The other main project is a Hall of Fame, both to commemorate past heroes and encourage aspiring scientists and entrepreneurs.

A J Cronin
Famous people associated with Helensburgh include the author A J Cronin, who wrote Dr Finlay's casebook which was a film and a TV series. One of the films based on one of his books starred actress Deborah Kerr whose parents lived in Helensburgh.

A plaque to A J Cronin is in Westbourne Grove, Notting Hill, London, England.


John Muir, known as the founder of National Parks in the USA, is honoured with a way, and a trail.
Over in the USA you can visit a house where he lived which is on the national register of historic places.

Stocky Bill
Replica of Stocky Bill, puppet of John Logie Baird on top of the plinth. On the side of the plinth you can see a representation of the image of the puppet which Baird saw on the screen and his comment.

Many and few are things we can count

How much, more or less, is for rice, large amounts.

I hope you had fun. I have to run.

That's all. We've finished. She says we are done.linthOn the side of the 

The first website in this list has a photo of the sculpture with the shoes.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.
John Logie Baird statue, Helensburgh, Scotland, UK

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