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Friday, November 17, 2017

Learning to Blog on Blogger

I have been on this blogging site for years but only recenty discovered how to make my website names turn into links. It's so simple. You click on the website name in your text and highlight it. Then click on the word link in the middle of the symbols across the top of your text screen.

Why did I never learn that before? I said to myself what I would say if I were teaching somebody else:

Don't be afraid. Just click on each symbol left to right and see what comes up. Yes, you may forget at first. But do it every day for a week and you'll soon get familiar with each symbol and what it can do for you.

I started following my own advice, clicking on the symbols. I thought I knew almost all of them although I regularly use only a few. I think you will be as amazed as I was at what I found. The big surprise was the little face symbol. I'll come to that later. I'll take each symbol in logical order.

Left arrow. That's undo. Really handy. Right arrow is redo (or restore).

F is font.
Click on the downwards arrow.
Default fonts are: Arial courier georgia Helvetica Times Trebuschet and Verdana.

T is text (size)
Smallest, small, normal, large and largest.

 If you have copied a piece of text from elsewhere, such as Wikipedia, and inserted it, you might find you now have two pieces of texts in different sizes. You can increase the size of the small text to make it more readable. Or reduced the size of a footnote.

B is for bold.
I is for Italic.
U underscored is underline.

ABC struck through - why would you need this? I suppose a teacher could show a pupil a delted word which was wrongl spelled, or correcting a proof but leaving the original visible but not part of your text.

The Large A underscored is text colour.

If you copy a text from elsewhere and it appears in green or blue you can change it back to black.

The paintbrush is for text background colour. Probably most useful when you make a text box like a poster with a word against a background, or to highlight parts of your text.

If you have a drama script for an amateur dramatics play or skit, you might highlight with a background yellow colour the parts which you speak. Highlight in green background the last sentence or last two words which are the cue from the other character that you should be ready to speak.

Link turns the website name into another colour when you hover over it. When you click on it you, the reader, automatically get connected to the website.

The movie clipboard symbolises video if you want to insert video.

Smiley face. What did I think it was? Maybe a smiley face?

Yes, indeed, if you want to insert smiley faces and emoticaons.

Also a host of other symbols including:
the Euro symbol of a £ or $ sign,
an umbrella, a bicycle for a map.
Mahjong and domino pieces.
See Hebrew and Arabic and Aramaic.
Chinese. Cuneform.

  I just typed on the jagged pieces of paper and found I had inserted the separation of text symbol you see above.

The series of horizontal lines I used all the time, to align my text or photo left, central or right.

Please see my other blog:

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