It's easy to find word for word translations of another language on products such as food. For example, I just had a piece of chocolate from a bar bought earlier this year from Gelupo, an Italian ice cream shop in London, England.
Chocolate from Sicily
The chocolate was kept in a freezer so it came out hard and crunchy, which made the first bite like sandpaper. So I cannot tell or recall how it would taste or the texture when you eat it fresh or on a hot day when it is maybe starting to melt.
The texture and flavour seemed to me closer to American dark chocolate made by Hershey, less like the milk chocolate of England's Cadbury's. The range of flavours is more like Green and Black's chocolate bars (widely available in UK supermarkets such as Tesco).
The packaging had warned:
Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto
They translate as Store in a cool and dry place
Conservare - conserve/store
in - in
fresco - fresh / cool (in this context)
e - and
Cioccolato alla vanighlia
translated by them as Dark chocolate with vanilla.
cioccolato - (dark) chocolate
vaniglia - vanilla
peso netto - net weight
netto - net
ingredienti - ingredients
zucchero - sugar
massa di cacao - cocoa mass
aromi naturali (they translate as vanilla flavour) - aroma natural
cacao - cocoa
tipica - typical
preperazione - preperation
tradizione - tradition
diretta - directly
discendente - descended
populazione - population
introdotta - introduced
Europa - Europe
spagnoli - Spanish
secolo - century
metodologia - methodology
antiche - ancient
culture - civilisation
They translate Best before end as
Da consumarsi preferibilmente entry la fine.
consumarsi - consume
preferibilmente - preferably
fine - finish/end
How delightful to learn Italian as well as eating chocolate, or to eat chocolate as well as learning Italian.
You can order chocolates and biscuits (biscotti) online and watch a video. And if you are interested in translating Italian, their website is in Italian with translations into England and several other languages.
If you want to try the Italian ice cream and other products in London, go to
7 Archer Street
London WID 7AU
tel: 020 7287 5555.
They are open 11-11 Monday to Thursday
Friday and Saturday 11 to midnight
Sunday mid-day (noon) to 11 pm.
Go to their website to check the list of gelati and sorbets.
Photos by Angela Lansbury
Angela Lansbury B A Hons
Travel writer and photographer, author, English teacher, speech trainer, speaker.
See Angela Lansbury author and like my page on Facebook, connect with Angela Lansbury author on LinkedIn, watch videos of Angela Lansbury author reading comic poetry and teaching English grammar and spelling on YouTube, and look at and perhaps buy books from Angela Lansbury on and
Chocolate from Sicily
The chocolate was kept in a freezer so it came out hard and crunchy, which made the first bite like sandpaper. So I cannot tell or recall how it would taste or the texture when you eat it fresh or on a hot day when it is maybe starting to melt.
The texture and flavour seemed to me closer to American dark chocolate made by Hershey, less like the milk chocolate of England's Cadbury's. The range of flavours is more like Green and Black's chocolate bars (widely available in UK supermarkets such as Tesco).
The packaging had warned:
Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto
They translate as Store in a cool and dry place
Conservare - conserve/store
in - in
fresco - fresh / cool (in this context)
e - and
Cioccolato alla vanighlia
translated by them as Dark chocolate with vanilla.
cioccolato - (dark) chocolate
vaniglia - vanilla
peso netto - net weight
netto - net
ingredienti - ingredients
zucchero - sugar
massa di cacao - cocoa mass
aromi naturali (they translate as vanilla flavour) - aroma natural
cacao - cocoa
tipica - typical
preperazione - preperation
tradizione - tradition
diretta - directly
discendente - descended
populazione - population
introdotta - introduced
Europa - Europe
spagnoli - Spanish
secolo - century
metodologia - methodology
antiche - ancient
culture - civilisation
They translate Best before end as
Da consumarsi preferibilmente entry la fine.
consumarsi - consume
preferibilmente - preferably
fine - finish/end
How delightful to learn Italian as well as eating chocolate, or to eat chocolate as well as learning Italian.
You can order chocolates and biscuits (biscotti) online and watch a video. And if you are interested in translating Italian, their website is in Italian with translations into England and several other languages.
If you want to try the Italian ice cream and other products in London, go to
7 Archer Street
London WID 7AU
tel: 020 7287 5555.
They are open 11-11 Monday to Thursday
Friday and Saturday 11 to midnight
Sunday mid-day (noon) to 11 pm.
Go to their website to check the list of gelati and sorbets.
Photos by Angela Lansbury
Angela Lansbury B A Hons
Travel writer and photographer, author, English teacher, speech trainer, speaker.
See Angela Lansbury author and like my page on Facebook, connect with Angela Lansbury author on LinkedIn, watch videos of Angela Lansbury author reading comic poetry and teaching English grammar and spelling on YouTube, and look at and perhaps buy books from Angela Lansbury on and
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