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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Do I open a tab or window when travelling and at home? The USA login?

What happens when you try to save a note of your link? I opened tabs and found I could not reach the URL (click on name) login for the website to reach it again later. I have always wondered why use tabs rather than a new window. I tend to open a new window.

Why Tabs?
Other people tell me to use a tab. Why? Because then you/I see a list of shortened names in a line across the top of my screen, instead of having to press F3 to bring up all the screens.

Why Open A New Window?
But now I find it is a nuisance not having the name of the website. If I open a new window, I can find it again by pressing F3, there is the URL at the top for me to copy. Why do I need to copy it? Because I am writing a blog on travel and want the website of the place to visit (a museum or attraction or hotel or wtaerfall) plus the website of the country's tourist board, on every blog post. I also go back through my history to find a recently opened website and go back to it.

I can use search in blogger and type in a coutnry name, such as USA, England, China, and up will come all my posts on that subject. If I click on a recent post, I will find links to several related websites.

Why Copy Links?
Why does anybody need to copy a link? Firstly, it's quicker if it's long. Less chance of making a typo.

It is quicker to click on a link than do a search through a dozen items which pop up.
I know that if I type in a link from memory Imight get it wrong. Some of the countries have a link which is visit such and such a country dot com. Others give me the address if I log in from there. Others give me the sg from Singapore.

What does it matter? If I am writing for an international audience the American or international version is more useful. If I want to go to France from the UK, I will get links and ads for the ferry from UK ports, and trains from Victoria station in London to a station in Paris. If I use the website aimed at Americans, I get flights from the USA to Paris. And so on.

If I log in from Russia, I probably get a page in Russian and have to find the tab for the English translation, unless I have visited the website before and it remembers me.

Now you know.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. Read my other posts for more advice on travel, general overviews of coutnries, learning languages, and lots of plus seasonal ideas such as Xmas and Valentines. Have a browse of my posts, bookmark and share links to your favourite posts with your family, friends and colleagues.

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