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Monday, February 26, 2018

More Welsh Word For You To Recognize And Learn

Parking sign in Welsh and English at Fishguard Fort, Wales. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

How can I learn Welsh easily? How can I teach Welsh to children and adults?

Just read the signs all around you in Wales. If you like, make an alphabetical list of the words in Welsh-English and English - Welsh. Or photograph the sign and stick it on your fridge door. Underline or highlight the easy words in green or yellow; underline or highlight the difficult ones, the next day, (or next week after you have learned the easy ones) in red.

Here are a few:

Welsh - English 
(Spaces are inserted because the spell checker is threatening to change the word. Spaces have a second advantage, that they draw your attention to the letters which are similar to and different from the English.)
awr - hour (both words have the vowel then r)
croeso - welcome (co as in come and croeso, e in both words)
p a r k i o - parking (the first five letters are the same, not just park but parki)
yn - in (almost the same)

English - Welsh

hour - awr
in - yn
parking - p a r c i o
welcome - croeso

I am editing this. Come back later for more.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, blogger and author, and teacher of languages.

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