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Monday, May 30, 2016

Learning languages by initials, middle and final letters

Do you need a memory aid for learning Russian? Ne nado - no need! Learning Russian through DuoLingo, I noticed these initial, middle and last letter links:

Brat - Brother B-T  - B-Th
My brother is a brat. Do you have a brat? I mean brother!

EM - Eat yuMmy / Eat theM / like the German essen
eTo - is iT (think of the French il E s T - it is)
koFe - coFEe
Moi - My (If you think that our language alphabet comes from Greek which turns the letter i into a final Y you can see that Moi in Russian is like my in English as well as the French moi which means my.
Molokai - MiLK
Ne - No
NaDo - NeeD
OK - Khorosho
sTol - TabLe under which you put a STOoL
tarelka - plate - TArELkA - pLATE
Telefon - Telephone
ThankS - Spasibo /
thankS I aPpreciate the t- SPaSIBO (Or thankS for the tiP I appreCIate it 0 in fact I am BO wled Over by your tip in my Bowl
cHTo? - wHaT?
yABLoki - ApPLes
yaItSO - egg (O) shape of an egg yolk or boiled egg, IO as in bOIled egg, SO the soldiers or strips of toast you dip in the soft boiled egg

The work cat uses K in Russian, like the English words kettle and kiwi.

A he-cat is simple, almost the same as English KoT.

A she-cat is a longer word, - k o s h k a (I had to insert spaces because the spell check chooses kosher).
The best and most memorable illustrated explanations on wiki

Please share with your friends or classmates who are learning languages.

Angela Lansbury, English and languages teacher, tutor, workshop leader.

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