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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Scottish Jews In Tartans

You can buy a Jewish tartan pen, fridge magnet, mouse mat (or set of all three - actually six as you get four pens, at under £20, or a man's kilt, waistcoat, kippah (skullcap) and even a tallit (prayer shawl). All designed by a rabbi of Scotland. Somebody wanted them to wear at his sister's wedding. I remember meeting David Ben-Aryeah, a Scottish travel agent and travel journalist, who was wearing a tartan kilt and looked very memorable and impressive in it, at a Murder Weekend in England years before the Jewish tartan was invented.

The Tartans Authority also has 'registered patterns for Sikhs, Chinese, the state of Indiana and the Fire Department of New York’s bagpipe band.' 
What a great idea. Except I'm not Scottish. As a student in London I wore a long black watch tartan skirt which was the fashion in those days. Then nobody was bothered about whether you were Scottish and the idea of Scotland not being part of the United Kingdom seemed long forgotten in the distant past. We would no more have expected to be Scottish to wear a tartan than we would expect you to show a Scottish passport to drink whisky or wear sheepskin. But things have changed. Oh dear. What next. I suppose we should have an a humanist or atheist's tartan or a tourist's tartan. I wonder if I could take out a patent on that.

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