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Monday, September 21, 2015

Shopping in Singapore For Sushi makers, Cheap Gifts & Household Items

Is Singapore expensive? You can shop in Takashima, or in Daiso, or both!

Daiso, the Japanese store, is in several locations in Singapore, the USA, Australia - their website shows you where. Everywhere except Europe. (But in the UK we have Pound Shops and three other retailers selling items sourced from China and elsewhere, not to mention Charity shops in every High Street, including Oxfam, Cancer Research and many more.)

Their main site tells you their locations, and an amusing guide to less than half a dozen of their best selling novelty items.
In Singapore you can find the Japanese goods at Daiso in three locations including Plaza Singapura. It took me a while of searching on Google for a site showing a greater number of individual goods you can see online.
D a i s o (sorry about the surplus spaces, but spellchecker turns the word into daisy if I don't separate the letters) offers goods at various prices. If you want items for rolling sushi, this is the place.

If shipping from the usa look at

For fashion I found

Angela Lansbury, travel writer, photographer.
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