Double Side Name badges.
What the World Travel Market does well is market travel. One of the best things they do is print your name on the badge twice, so easy to do on a sheet of A4 paper. If your badge flips so it is back to front, you can still read the name. Every conference organiser, please take not.
At conferences I make a point of photographing the person with their badge. I have a self-captioning photo. I and a reader can see the name instantly.
Her name in Bronwyn Griffiths. A very Welsh name. What are Welsh names? Surnames include Jones, Thomas, Griffiths. Thomas as in Dylan Thomas. I should have asked her about her name and the spelling. Then I could have been sure of it, and that she wasn't wearing somebody else's badge, or doing a temporary job.
If the name does not appear clearly, you can take another photo of the badge close up. You can edit the photo, increase the contrast, zoom in on the photo.
You can create a 'Rogue's Gallery' of your contacts from pervious years to remember who you met. Then make up a rhyme. I have not alliteration but assonance, rhyming sounds or vowels for this lady. Miss Pink from Mink. Pink hair, from Minka books, guide books, Minka Guides. I just look at her picture and remember.
If I meet her again next year, I can ask her, 'How is Minka Guides doing?' or, 'Are you still working with Minka Guides?'
I made a mistake. I did not ask her two simple questions. What do you write about? Yes, I know she writes about travel. But what is her focus: food, wine, adventure, Wales?
What is my focus? Marketing my blog is difficult because I don't have a focus. I write about America, Euopre, Asia, English speaking countries. I cover everything from cheap to expensive to interest all readers. I like people stories and landmark buildings, trails. Anything, big, bold memorable, places and people.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer.
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