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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Cheapest Croissant in London? Breakfast deal?

Half a high calorie low price croissant from Lidl. In London. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

Lidl. 79 pence. In central London you would pay a pound or more likely two pounds. 

A joke candidate for mayor has the slogan, croissants for a pound.

Put it in your oven or microwave in your home or serviced apartment. Soft and munchy and sticky and sucky inside. Crisp on the outside.

Also check for multi packs in Sainsbury's, at 99p, Tesco half price from over a pound to fifty pence late at night (if there are any left), Costco, Amazon, and frozen dough to cook yourself.

Tesco Express often have them hot from the oven first thing in the morning.

Wetherspoons pub do a breakfast deal, coffee (or tea or small orange juice), croissant and preserve (jam) until noon, at three pounds fifty five pence.

Morrisons supermarket also do multipacks.

In London you can find cafes serving meals all day, but the croissants will probably only be at breakfast time. Look for cafes in places such as Morrisons in Hatch End. Waitrose in South Harrow near Harrow on the Hill.

Tesco online sells six Pret a manger croissants in a pack for £3.50.

I just discovered a new trick. If your laptop doesn't have a pound sign, only dollars. copy the price from a website. But then you get their size font like this. You have to change it like this. From bold to normal and then large to normal. But it changes itself back again!

I looked up Pret and found this in Sainsbury. Try Paul, three bite size pieces, one in Baker St, one Marylebone High Street, and others. Richard Pull, a Londoner , who used to write restaurant reviews for Harden's restaurant guide in the eighties, still he is a gastronome, passionate about food, says, You cannot eat a decent croissant tidily. In France the businessmen would dunk their croissants into their cafe au last. Nowadays everybody drinks cappuccino or flat white. PAUL'S is a famous French Baker, but now available in London. Notches but very good.

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