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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Drivers - Avoid Stress and Motorway Fines - use Cruise Control On Your Car, or Speed Limiter

Cruise control symbol, from Nominal Two-Two in Wikipedia.

You can cut down two sorts of stress when driving distances on motorways. One limits speed to a maximum, or the other maintains speed at a minimum.

For long journeys many cars have cruise control which sets a minimum speed. This stops the car slowing to a halt when you take your foot off the accelerator.

Save Stress with Speed Limiter
 In order to avoid incurring penalties on motorways, or local roads, on many cars you can set a
The speed limiter sets a maximum speed so you don't exceed the speed limit. In the UK, currently, Aug 2019, speeds on the M1 going north from London to Derby are variable speed limits, 40 and 50 where there are roadwaorks, more usually 60 or 70 miles per hour.

If you are used to kilometers, check the conversion rate.

Find The Controls
Where are the buttons for setting speed limiter and cruise control ? In many smaller cars such as the Renault Clio, between the two front seats.

In larger cars, such as the Jaguar, the cruise control is either on the dashboard or the steering wheel.

Photo by Project Kei. From Wikipedia.

In an unfamiliar car, check the vehicle's handbook, or the member of the family from whom you have borrowed the car. Or check it before driving. Or stop at a services stop if you are changing drivers half way to give the main driver a rest, or let the youngster have fun driving Dad's grander car.

Once we went off without the handbook which had been removed when the car went in for an MOT test. However, we were able to download the handbook online.

About the Author
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

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