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Saturday, November 30, 2024

Where can you see statues and monuments to Queen Elizabeth, Diana, William, Harry, and the royal family?

You can see a statue of Queen Elizabeth II in the city of York, in York minster. 

The proposed sites for the latest statue of Queen Elizabeth included Trafalgar Square, which was vetoed, and  St James's Park near Buckingham Palace in London.

London has statues of Henry VIII and Charles I and Charles II. You will find more statues and plaques of famous people in St Paul's cathedral and Westminster Abbey. Also fountains and gates.

The statue of Princess Diana and her sons, William and Harry, is in Kensington Palace in the Sunken Garden. (Not to be confused with Kensington Gardens.)

London also has a famous fountain for Diana. 

And fancy gates which were installed commemorating the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth's mother. 

Statues of Queen Victoria are all over the world.

Useful Books

London statues

Useful Websites

Cutlery Rules You Need To Know Worldwide

In Singapore I taught expats how to eat using chopsticks. I was astonished to learn from an older Chinese Singaporean that he was puzzled by and intimidated by British cutlery, knives and forks.

Order of dishes
For soup, which is eaten at the end of the meal, the Chinese have porcelain spoons, and spoon rests.

UFor the benefit of visitors from overseas, and a reminder to those living and working in England, America, and European countries, here are some rules to remember. 

Singapore flag.

British and American and European cutlery is there to help you. It keeps your fingers clean. Knives, cut up food. Forks push food towards the knife or spoon. Big spoons serve, and middle size spoons scoop up soup. Dessert spoons means spoons for eating desserts.

Dessert. Waiters are there to help you.

I wrote some doggerel as a reminder.

When dining, don't be afraid of long menus

Or young waiters, arrive early

Ask for their help, make them feel good

They'll smile, chat, show teeth pearly

To those used to using chopsticks

Knives and forks are confusing cutlery 

Everyday layouts won't confuse the Brits

But silver service to many is a mystery

Each country has its own good rule

But it needs communication

To diners and new waiters

To avoid lots of confusion

Laying the table

I've been in restaurants in the UK where I asked for cutlery. The waiter grudgingly fetched it and slung it down on the corner of the table, before rushing off elsewhere, to serve somebody else, talk on the phone, or moan to other waiting staff.

Cutlery should be placed in front of each diner. To sling it down at the edge of the table so that the diner has to stand up and reach for it or hand it to others interrupts their conversation. It also signals that the waiter hates the restaurant and customers and the customer would be justified in felling insulted and not leaving a so-called optional tip for service.

Photo by Angela Lanshury

Knife & Fork Position

 Let's talk about a knife and fork

1 The knife is on the right

2 The fork is on the left

3 The soup spoon's first, far right

Why is the knife on the right?

Easy to understand

Before forks were invented

Knives were gripped by your cutting, (fighting!) right hand.


4 However, Americans, after cutting meat, and other food into bite size pieces, put down the knife and move their fork to their right hand. 

Why? 1 Like the Chinese not to have a threatening knife in their right hand? 2 To have their left hand free to grab a gun? 3 To make life simple, only one piece of cutlery to handle? Opinions differ. I was on the midnight hour show on radio London for a talk by myself followed by a phone-in on etiquette. An American listener suggested point two about the gun. 

Identifying Americans

You can identify an American in a restaurant (we once did in France) by noticing them holding their fork in their right hand. We were having trouble translating the menu and the staff spoke little English. I looked around the room and spotted a French man with an ex-pat American wife or guest. I asked her to help explain the menu, and she was delighted to do so.


5 The British eat warming soup first.

(The Chinese eat soup last)

Soup spilt in laps mishaps the worst

6 Tilt plate away, danger is passed

Knife & Fork Position & Eating Order

7 You start from the outside.

8 Knife and fork position - placed A shape on plates in the UK is silent signal that you are still eating

Still eating, paused, might finish soon.

Vertical parallel lines means I have finished - signal to the waiters to prepare to clear plates. 

9 However, if the hosts of VIP guest or majority are still eating, waiters should not clear plates. Clearing some plates might cause diners to rush eating and choke, or burp, or leave behind choice morsels, or be obviously finishing later delaying the others. It looks like the waiters want to go home in a hurry!

 Next, the soup spoon and the tea spoon

Soup Spoons

10 The soup spoon in England has a bowl which is round

In Europe that's unknown. I asked for a soup spoon in an Italian restaurant in Edgware and the waitress brought me a dessert spoon. I thought she was being at best careless, at worst, insulting. She was not Italian.  When this happened on a second visit, I asked why I did not get a soup spoon. She asked the manager and came back and reported that they didn't have any. I wondered whether they were all in the dishwasher, or the restaurant was on a tight budget, about to go out of business. I asked to speak to the manager. Where were the soup spoons? To my amazement, I learned that soup spoons are a British thing, no known in some European countries..

11 Dessert spoon oval, 

12 placed above the plate, handle to the right, since most people are right handed. 

13 The dessert fork for moving items onto the dessert spoon is similar size, but the handle is on the left for the other hand, the left hand. tea spoon smaller, to fit inside the tea cup to stir the sugar.

14 Mugs are taller, often without saucers, but fancy restaurants might have decorated mugs on matching saucers with lids to keep warm or cold the longer, longer-lasting drinks.

15. Coffee cups tallest of the cups which sit on saucers to catch spills and hold spoons. (Go onto the websites of coffee sellers for the exact heights and volume of liquid and French or Italian names of each size of cup.

16 Cup handles should be on the right, for the right handed. NEVER in the north, south or west positions. That's an insult to the diner.

17 Coffee spoon smaller, to fit inside a tiny cup such as an espresso cup which is smaller than a regular size tea cup.

Should be shown to those laying tables and waiters replacing cutlery and clearing away, for silver service.

18 The serving waiter's on diner's right

19 Another waiter should be clearing - from the left. Obviously, once you think about it, they will then not collide with the waiter serving the food, or drinks!

Chatting or Silent

All silently, like ghosts out of sight

Waiting at distance, watching, deft.

However, happy to chat, when invited to do so by diners. The modern way is for waiters to smile and add a word of encouragement. Great choice! Enjoy! Call me if you need anything? Is everything all right? 

Italians are more effusive and welcoming. They talk with their hands, greet you enthusiastically. 

The knife and fork for the starter (antipasta) and pasta course are often saved for the main course. 

Silver Service

This means silver cutlery and attentive waiter service, usually on a table set with a white fabric tablecloth.

You can see me demonstrating cutlery and crockery layouts and etiquette on a you tube, interviewed by my good friend, William Brougham, who I met at Harrovian Speakers, a Toastmasters International club in London.

Useful Websites

Angela Lansbury is the author of several books on etiquette, travel and other subjects, which you can read out and buy from Amazon and
Angela has been writing about etiquette since the 1990s and you can still buy some of her classic books such as Etiquette For Every Occasion, and Wedding Etiquette, and How to be the Best Man. If you buy a book and then manage to catch her at a Toastmasters International club meeting, or a wine tasting or wine and dine dinner, she will sign the book for you, dedicated to you or the recipient if you bought it as a gift.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Handy Italian for travellers 10 easy essential opening phrases

English - Italian

1 good morning (or day) - buongiorno

2 how are you? - come sta?

2 excuse me - mi scusi 

3 my name is ... - mi chiamo ...

4 I live in London - vivo a Londra (I'm from - Sono di)

5 I am with my husband - Sono con mio marito

6 For work/business / holiday -  per lavoro / per vacanza

6 do you speak English - lei parla inglese?

7 welcome - Bienvenuto

8 Have you understood - Hai capito? (Reply I understood - Ho capito)

9 for me, the same - per me, lo stesso (pointing to a dish or drink)

10 yes, no, please, thanks, Cheers! - si, no, per favore, grazie, Salute! (non is not, before a verb)

More information from

wikitravel phrase book Italian

google translate

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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Harrow & Wealdstone Station and All Stations - Good News on Waiting Rooms, Shops with Sandwiches and Step-free Access

 A sign on the Lioness line (recently renamed - Euston to Watford line, assures us that the stations are manned, or womaned, or personed, from opening time until closing time.

However, returning to Watford you often have to get off at Harrow & Wealdstone and sit on the chilly draughty station late at night. The waiting room is closed. 

We were under the mistaken impression that there was never any warm waiting room. However, returning from an event in London mid-afternoon, I found the station had a waiting room open. 

Photo by Angela Lansbury.

The door sign told me that unfortunately it closes mid-evening, so never open when you return from a night out in central London.

At least it is open for some of the day.

Good News - Wealdstone Station Shop

The other good news discovery for daytime travellers is the shop on Harrow & Wealdstone station. The stock is not very varied, but it has some essentials, such as sandwiches, chocolates. 

Good News - Stepfree access

Another piece of good news is about stepfree access. First, the current accessible stations are marked on station route maps. (For those who find steps challenging but are not challenged by small print and mysterious secret symbols. You can find step free access on stations online, at home, and on your phone if you want to check up while travelling.

More stations are being given step free access. So keep up your spirits and keep watching for good news updates.

Watch Out For Misleading Labels On Train Tickets and elsewhere

 Good news for thousands of people who were prosecuted by rail companies for fare evasion. Tickets the passengers believed were valid were not valid for certain hours. 

Anytime tickets which are not any time are at best confusing. Some would admit the wording is misleading. To,  my first glance, the wording is fraudulent.

So are so-called 'life' sentences for crime which are not for life, not whole, and, IMHO should be re-labelled half life).

IMHO = in my humble opinion

On the positive side, I often find station staff cheerful, friendly, glad to help.

Useful Websites

What's new in Italian snacks? 4 Italian words to know and 12 more to recognize, 2 things to try eating - starting with Truffle Crisps

 White truffles and called white diamonds and black truffles are called black diamonds. they are dug out of the earth and they are sold for high prices. 

White truffle crisps come from  Geofoods. They are very more-ish, like all crisps.

Here are the words you should know, easy to learn and recognize

Flag of Italy, called the tricolore or three colours

Italian - English (short list)

bianco - white

con - with

patatine - crisps (UK) chips (USA)

tartufo - truffle

English - Italian

crisps (USA chips) - patatine

truffle - tartufo

white - bianco

with - con

Longer list

burro- butter

crema - cream

di -of

estivo - summer

oliva - olive

miele - honey

nera - black

olio - oil

salsa - sauce

succo - juice

tricolore - three colours, of the flag, and a restaurant starter of red tomato, white cheese and green vegetable

via - road

You can also get truffle honey. The same company has many more products with truffles.

Useful Websites


google translate

See previous post on truffle crisps.

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How do you ask for Italian anchovy for your Caesar salad?


I checked with google translate and it told me that anchovy, singular, is acciuga, and anchovies is acciughe.

How do you remember that e in Italian is feminine, whilst O is masculine singular, and i is masculaine plural?
Spaghetti is maculine plural. E is feminine, like the e in she. Like the French ette, elle as in belle, onde, add e for the feminine, as in French blond is a male with yellow or light hair, whilst blonde ending with e is a woman.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Cava - what do you know?

 First, Cava is from Spain, best known for being from the Barcelona region.

My favourite of seven
Photo by Angela Lansbury.

Pink wine in a pretty bottle. Vilarnau Rose Delicat Reserva 2021. Casa de Guarda Superior Reserva. The grape varieties are 85% Garnacha (one of my favourites, known to me by its name grenache
) with 15% Pinot Noir noir meaning black from the dark colour of the skin, adding colour and flavour). Price only fourteen pounds sterling.

Some handy translations from Spanish to English, from bottle labels and brochures

English technical - daily English
coupage - blending
diurnal - daily or daytime
Nocturnal - night-time
vintage - aged (usually with the year given)

Spanish - English
brut - dry 
Brut nature (naturally dry with no added sugar)
d' - of, de with the e dropped before another vowel
de - of
del - of the
D.O. - designation of origin (place where the wine came from).
familia - family
mar - sea
san - saint (as in San Francisco which means Saint Francis)
sant - saint
sup - abbreviation for superior
reserva - reserved or saved (not sold but stored, good quality, or will become even better when stored to mature and develop more flavour)

The word cava comes from cave, as the original wines were kept in cool caves.

More information from Useful Websites

Where can I buy truffle crisps online?


This is friendly Giulia. (For the pronunciation and as a memory aid think of the English spelling Julia.)

Wonderful truffle crisps. 

Her business card has a gold backing. The company, Geofoods, also has a stunning thick brochure with a gold inside cover.

The company is in picturesque Perugia, in Umbria, Italy. The hilltop and hillside city with an impressive Etruscan gigantic hillside gateway.

See later post on truffle cheese in London.

Italian chocolate and soft nougat with fruit flavours


Yummy Sicilyum nougat.

Italian - English
di - of
dolciari - confectionary
maestri - masters (the singular, masculine singular, is maestro)
Sicilia - Sicily (the island to the south of Italy)

Useful Websites

Sparkling wine bubbles - bellissima

Father and son, in the Italian wine business. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

 First, let's look at the label of this wine. It is says Pignoletto, which is a type of grape, like letto, Italian for bed.
Riosto is the name of the company,  This wine is made by Champagne method.

If you are in Italy or visiting Italy, you can visit their company. They have a light tasting, a degustazione, for 25 euros. For that price you get 3 glasses, of different wines, and bread and tagliatelle, meaning, bites of cheese, ham and salami. 

As for the letto, Italian for bed, they have a package for accommodation. Look on the same website  

South Italian Campania sparkling wine at Olympia

I liked a sparkling wine with a slightly peachy taste. 
This was a wine tasting area. 

The European Pizza show was open at Olympia, 26th and 27th November 2024.

A trade show and you had to register in advance to get on their system, and get a badge printed out on arrival with a nifty red lanyard, On arrival, if asked, show a business card.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The joys of a silver service lunch at the Cavalry & Guards Club - and the sculptures and paintings of horses

A few steps away from Hard Rock cafe is the cavalry & Guards club. \

Who goes to the Cavalry & Guards Club? Members of the club. Their relatives and friends in the military, Or retired. For anniversaries, weddings.

Horse Guards & Horse Lovers

But also people connected with horses. I met an American woman who ran a horse and carriage tourism business in the USA. Her other interest was a charity for retired horses. Rescuing Horses. One of her international organizations had the event in London and she flew over especially for it.

The Last Post Sculpture

Upstairs at the club is a sculpture of a rider on his horse. The horse's head is on the ground. The rider is waving his hand in the air, signalling.

 I must have passed this without noticing many times. I stood nearby, commenting on the delightful Christmas decorations, when somebody pointed out, "That the sculpture shows a dead horse Why?" 

I reflected,, "Catholic churches show crucifixes. I suppose it's to remind you of sacrifices others have made for us, so we should be grateful, for their bravery, and honour them."

My listener shrugged, "Each to his own."

Reciprocal Clubs

You can also visit the Cavalry & Guards club if you belong to another club in a city elsewhere in the world which has the Cavalry & Guards Club holding reciprocal arrangements. For example, the Tanglin club in Singapore.

Christmas Lights

I was delighted by the Christmas lights.

The Food was attractively presented

Calling The Kitchen

A movable flat buzzer for service can be placed on a side table or moved ont

o the dining table beside the host or organizer.

Useful Websites

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Hyde Park & Hard Rock and the Big Bus

 Yesterday it rained and everybody was late for lunch near Hard Rock at Hyde Park Corner. We took the bus, number 75, from outside Baker Street underground railway station, opposite the Sherlock Holmes Museum where you see crowds of people waiting, rain or shine, 

Looking back towards the station and Oxford Street, on the other side of the road is a fine art deco building with a lighthouse half way up, above the doorway.

Art Deco lighthouse above the arched doorway, Baker Street. Photo by Angela Lansbury. 

Some compete for taxis in the rain. We took the bus passing Marble Arch, along Hyde Park passing the Hilton and other big hotels. 

Oxford Street lights were not yet lit at lunch time but you could see what they would look like.

The statue of the horse, Hyde Park, London.

Taxis and red London buses in the rain at Hyde Park, London.

In Hyde Park I noticed the statue of the horse and a big wheel and fairground sights ready for the holidays. 

Despite the chilly, blowy, rainy weather, the flowers were bright on the window boxes and railing boxes along the streets, including below the windows of Hard Rock Cafe showing tableaux of rock stars in the windows.

Traditional red phone box, red flowers on railings of Hard Rock Cafe. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

Red flowers and arched window of Hard Rock Cafe, Hyde Park, near Hyde Park and Green Park underground stations.

Venture inside the first hard Rock cafe, which started the worldwide chain in 1971, and see Eric Clapton's red guitar. We, my family and I, have been to Hard Rock cafe's in places as diverse as Prague, in Europe, and Malaysia, in Asia. There are 171 in 50 countries. 

Open top Buses

With the rain, I was not surprised that I could see nobody upstairs on the open top bus tour buses. I checked out their website and saw it cost a double digit sum, but with a choice of routes and combinations of tickets with other attractions such as a river cruise and the London Eye (the big wheel). All would be much better on a fine day.

However, even with intermittent rain, on a London bus, and walking in the rain, we had a great day out in London.

Useful Websites

Hard Rock, Malaysia

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Thursday, November 21, 2024

How to check roads and railways Trains, snow and floods - Reminder - how to check roads and railways - trains running in bad weather in London - and flood warnings

Snow in London suburbs. November 19th 2024. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright. 

You can check for updates on your station and line online on the web. 

This week snow hit London. But some little flowers were still braving the bad weather at Hatch End which wins awards for its flower displays.



Flood warnings in the UK for London I copied this

Sign-up to receive free flood alerts and if you have signed-up already, make sure your details and preferences in how you would like to receive alerts are up to date



You can also put questions and comments in daily newsletters from Next Door. And create or join whatsapp groups for your street or area.

Italian Restaurant With Home Made Pasta - Vasco & Piero

 Vasco & Piero's Pavilion Italian Restaurant has been our family's favourite in Central London for a long time. It's always a delightful surprise because the menu changes twice daily.

The restaurant is clean, white bright and fresh with white linen table cloths.

We went there again in November 2024. You can sit at small square tables for two, oblong tables for four, large round tables, bar stools, or in a private room behind glass walls at the back. My companions chose a glass of red chianti to match the colour and intensity of their red meat dishes. I opted for Prosecco, sparkling white as a starter and to go with my white meat main course, chicken. Good enough. My husband, who is a wine educator, approved of the label credentials, the region and grape variety, and the taste.

The restaurant has Umbrian items. 

A member of our family from overseas wanted soup, which was not on the menu. They immediately offered to make one specially for her, a 'simple' mixed vegetable soup. She was very happy.

Portions were sufficiently ample for us to save a little to take home. It was wrapped up quickly with no fuss. No carrier bag but I had my own.


Ladies toilet washbasin, with two cubicles.

Calm and restful. Not the noisy sort of Italian with filed floors and echo.

The pigeon ravioli starter was a change and ok but the starter which impressed me was the spinach souffle which had both texture and taste.

My main course was chicken Milanese, scallopini, which was in breadcrumbs, surprisingly good as I don't normally go for breadcrumbs. I would have liked potato which went with one of the meat choices, next time I shall ask for potato as I now know they cook to order and are happy to adapt the menu to suit you..

Desserts included seasonal panettone. Like bread and butter pudding. Perfect texture.

Everyone was very satisfied.

Getting There

It is a short walk from Oxford Circus station. About 7-10 minutes, depending on which of the parallel turnings you take, passing Liberty's department store and famous Carnaby street.

 If you want to know the origin of Vasco and Piero, who started the restaurant, and the Pavilion, their first individually decorated restaurant, you can buy a book, or read the whole story online on their website. 

The man we have known for years Paul in English, or Paulo in Italian, has only one restaurant. So he can give it his full attention.

Top Tips For Tourists

There's a set price Sunday lunch.

tel 02074378774

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Snow Starts in London

I don't know why this picture is sideways. Blogger won't let me rotate it.

Out in the suburbs of London snow fell on the paths and grass - and car bonnets. Too late to put a windscreen cover on.
I declined to go into London, fearing the weather would get worse later, and it might be icy underfoot.
This was on Tuesday Nov 19 2024. However my family had appointments and were more intrepid. By mid morning it had stopped snowing and the streets in central London were clear.

Trains, Platforms, Grit
On Wednesday, I ventured out. The overground outdoor station platform at Hatch End had salt and grit on the platforms to stop passengers from slipping. 
The metal benches were too cold to sit on, unless you wore very padded clothing or carried a cushion.

Cold Weather Clothes
The weather was chilly. But my nose was exposed and we all get cold. Of course, in snowy places like ski resorts you wear heavy padded clothes head to foot and balaclavas.

Warm Indoors
In the front garden we still have roses.
Indoors I watch the temperature on our radio controlled kitchen clock. We adjust the number of hours the heating is on. 

Memories of the 1950s

When I was a child, in the 1950s and 60s, we had snowy winters. We wore Wellington boots outdoors. We carried slipper to take off the boots at homes, or parties, so as not to make the floor wet. At home we had a coal fire, and made toasted food using extending toasting forks.
You can still buy the on Amazon from a company called Arya health, about 5 pounds 99 pence, plus postage. 

Useful Websites

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Monday, November 18, 2024

Trying to buy a winter white hat and scarf - My complaint about apparent switch selling on Ebay

I have been buying on ebay for years, and love it. I used to bid a lot for second hand one off items. Now I tend to buy the buy it now items from businesses which have a range of products for instant delivery.

I wanted to buy a warm white hat and scarf combined. But when I chose the cheapest supplier I wasted lots of time looking. 

The sellers show a hat with an attached scarf in six colours at a price of under four pounds. Click on five out of six colours and the price doubles to over eight pounds. 

Only in another colour black, and style of a more basic beanie hat is a hat available at the price advertised. 

This wastes my time. Instead of buying this, or anything else,  I leave the ebay site for a day or a week. 

The original site does not even list the higher price. eg 4-27-8.99, but only the lowest price not matching the item shown (in pink). 

I did buy in the end. But I am not satisfied with the system. I believe the technical term is switch selling.

This occurs in lots of places. Eg Curtains, when you see what looks like a cheap curtain. But when you click on the link, and choose the curtain,  but the curtain shown is several pounds. Clicking through all the alternatives you find  a sample square of fabric is sold for one pound or free,

How to complain on ebay?

I cannot find on their website FAQ - information about how to complain about misleading advertising. 

I cannot find anywhere else to complain so I am complaining here. 

About misleading items on searches and ads. 

I think the picture should show the lowest price item, or the advertised price item. 

Do you agree? What can I do?

Meanwhile, I wait for my hat and scarf to arrive.

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Nicaraguan straw hat challenge


My Nicaraguan straw hat. After plaiting it.

Hat From Nicaragua in Central America. 

Nicaragua is the biggest of the Central American countries. 
I have not been there but got this hat from the central America stand at the world Travel Market in Excel exhibition centre in London England.

The hat before I plaited it.

I live in Hatch End. I look more like thatch end.

This is how the hat started out. With all the straws sticking out, in my eyes, obscuring vision, obscuring my face. What could I do with it.

My first thought was cut off the straw ends. I would still have to edge the straggly brim with ribbon to stop it unravelling.

I watched a video of my grand daughter with plaits. I could plait the longest pieces. I did so. without wetting the straw to make it more pliable, I was able to roll it up, and stick the odd ends into the new rolled up edge.

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The Lights In London to brighten winter nights


Lights across the street, near Farringdon station. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

White lights.

Triangular tree created from lights near Farringdon stations, London. Photo by Angela Lansbury.
Creamy white lights. Down to the ground. Up to a five point star.
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Sunday, November 17, 2024

Lavender farms and festivals and lavender products worldwide for your enjoyment

 I have been a fan of lavender products since my long period of living and travelling overseas, not just as a travel writer taking at least one long and several short trips overseas at my own expense, and on business with my husband, also supplemented by the occasional press trip to overseas destination. The revelation about lavender came at the start of my thirty year sojourn in Singapore where I spent most winters in Singapore, Asia and Australasia while returning to the UK and Europe for the summer and back, via the USA or Australia in one or both directions. Lavender and lemon infused products were cheaper in England than in Singapore, so I stocked up in England with Yardley products from my local chemist (which I learned Americans would call a drug store). The cheapest lavender item was a small roll on around or under five pounds sterling. that was small enough to go in my handbag when my suitcase was already overweight or on the border of overweight for air travel regulations. More expensive items or sets could be a fall-back when I was asked at the last moment what I wanted for birthdays, Christmas presents or wedding anniversary gifts.

Lavender's Reputation For Repelling Mosquitos

Why lavender? Singapore is safe in many ways, except for mosquitos, which were fought with fogging by anti-mosquito spray-mists on Fridays. I discovered that my perfumes designed to attract humans especially men, such as my husband, also attracted insects, such as mosquitos. I learned that lemon and lavender repelled insects, most importantly mosquitos, which carried malaria and dengue fever. But, I presumed, also flies, fleas and wasps.

Singapore - How to Buy a Bargain

The marked price for lavender soap in Singapore seemed very high. I tried to bargain but was told, fixed price. However, after a whisper to my Singaporean Chinese friend, who works in the building, she spoke to the seller, who spoke Mandarin as well as English, and was offered a lower price, supposedly because she worked in the building, was less well paid than a presumed tourist (although I had said I was Permanent Resident, which is a government status for foreigners who live in Singapore long-term) - and maybe either because she spoke Mandarin or because she would be a regular customer.  The moral is, if you have a local friend in Asia, ask them to bargain for you in the local language.

Meanwhile, back in London, I bought lavender made in England, more cheaply. 

I checked online the UK factory farm visits and was amazed how many there were. I had expected to see just one, Norfolk Lavender, or two if you add the one my family went to in 2024.

The largest one in the world is supposed to be the large one in Tasmania, Australia. 


You find more in Europe.


I bought lavender soap cheaply in a wine shop in the south of France. The village of Fitou, Frontenac region. The soap aroma was not strong. English lavender is stronger.

European Festivals

You will find festivals in mid-summer, in June, for example in Bulgaria, which has at least two (see my earlier post).

UK Lavender

I bought a lavender spray from Marks & Spencer in London. The spray bottle says it is for rooms, clothes and body. What more could you want. I just sprayed it all around and the aroma is strong.

UK Lavender Farm Visits

The name I had associated with lavender from my childhood was Norfolk Lavender.

More recently, my family went on a trip to a lavender farm in the UK, near enough for a day trip from London..

My family complained that, 'Not really anything for children to do. They were charging us just to see the farm which just offered views. A lot of money just to take a photo.' 

'The cafe was closed by the time we got back there, so that saved us more money.' 

I was disappointed that they did not tell me they were going and did not bring me back a gift of lavender bags to put in my bedroom drawers in the hope of repelling moths. Still, I can buy easily on line and visit there myself next year. 

Buying & Planting Lavender Plants

I have lavender in my own garden in London, bought from a local garden centre. The garden centres sell two types of lavender, English and French. Try the aromas and see which you like most, or which is strongest aroma, or has the best colour plant.

All of the UK is in planting zones 6-9 which means the temperature and humidity which the outdoor garden plant must cope with. (A greenhouse or indoor part of your home, even an indoor windowsill, will be different.)

Trips To Lavender Farms From London

To Mayfield - about an hour and a half from Harrow going anti clockwise on the M25.

UK Lavender Farm Visits

The farm is closed until June but the gift shop and cafe are open every day of the week, 10 to 4 on Sundays, from 9 to 5 other days. The cafe may close for last orders earlier than the closing time so plan accordingly.

Lavender Anti Moth bags

You can buy lavender anti moth bags on ebay from thetownhousegarden

Sets of 20 from ebay.\

Useful Websites



Bulgaria Holiday Tours


Products to buy

From Tesco.

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Saturday, November 16, 2024

International Lavender Festival in Bulgaria


Wine festival tag. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

This tag is a render of the Wine festival in Chirpan, Bulgaria. The tag is lavender colour and smells of lavender.

You could add it to your suitcase handle for identifying your luggage. Or to a bag or Backpack or purse.or keep it between your clothes in a suitcase or bedroom drawer.

The festival features food and drink, and dancing on stages bedecked with lavender.
Chirpal has a museum honouring a poet.

Useful Websites.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Iceland is green


Iceland is green and Greenland is icy. Is that true? I'll tell you later, when I've been there. But I have looked at videos and it seems true. Marketing ploy? Wishful thinking?

Having watched three version of Titanic, and shivered all over Europe and Northern USA in the ski season, I am happy to hear the most of Iceland is not icy.

However, it does have arctic foxes, puffins and whales.

More Information from

Thursday, November 14, 2024

How to entertain Children in restaurants and cars

When you need to keep children quiet
You are driving

In a restaurant

At a wedding or funeral

In a church or temple service

 You can keep children busy with an activity, such as a video.

I Spy Clothes and Jeans

Or play, I-spy, looking out of opposite windows, one child to the left, the other to the right. Spot somebody wearing jeans.

 Spot somebody wearing a hat.

 I spy a shop window with clothes.

Or washable colouring pencils and a book. 

Colour Your Own Pyjamas

Or colour your own pyjamas, from the company Not on the high street.

Baby Clothes Quiet books

You can make a baby clothes quiet book. Find stained clothes which are not good enough to give away or sell. attach them firmly to the pages of a book you make from card. Use lots of clothes with snaps and buttons and velcro. Make them like an advent calendar with items hidden in the pockets. 

Useful Websites

Not On The High Street

You can keep children busy with an activity, such as a video.

I Spy Jean

Or play, I-spy, looking out of opposite windows, one child to the left, the other to the right. Spot somebody wearing jeans. Spot somebody wearing a hat. I spy a shop window with clothes.

Or washable colouring pencils and a book. 

Colour Your Own Pyjamas

Or colour your own pyjamas, from the company 

Baby Clothes Quiet books

You can make a baby clothes quiet book. Find stained clothes which are not good enough to give away or sell. attach them firmly to the pages of a book you make from card. Use lots of clothes with snaps and buttons and velcro. Make them like an advent calendar with items hidden in the pockets. 

Useful websites

Not on the high street Pyjamas.

Quiet Books

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Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Marilyn Monroe Exhibition in London


My Marilyn Monroe Clock. Picture by Angela Lansbury.

I am a Marilyn Monroe fan. I bought this clock in America when we were living there.

Now, in November 2024 there is a Marilyn Monroe exhibition in London which contains many objects acquired by a private collector, as you learn from the exhibition's website which has several pictures of the exhibits. 

Marilyn is so popular, this exhibition is a must for many enthusiasts. However, the cost is well over twenty pounds which is more than some people want to pay. If the cost or distance prevents you from attending you will find a lot on the web including invaluable first stop wikipedia whose end notes send you in all directions including museums, statues, film locations, hotels where she stayed and other places where you can travel.

We watched all the Marilyn film or excerpts on YouTube supplementing by ordering all the Marilyn films, sometimes in better quality, or worse quality, which we watched during and after Covid. We found 22 films, both the commercial film and short 'student' films. The first one is just a few seconds of her saying Hi outdoors. The last one which I recall is the misfits, released in 1961, the year she died. 

Books About Marilyn

I read two books about Marilyn. I first stood in Waterstones in Singapore and read the last page of all their books on Marilyn. I wanted to see what they said about Marilyn and whether she committed suicide or was killed. If so who was the suspect?

Was the book well-researched, interesting, well-written? I was doing this research before deciding which book to buy. I recall that despite intending and budgeting to buy one book I ended up by buying two books.

The UK exhibition is conveniently just 2 minutes from London Bridge Station.