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Thursday, January 9, 2025

Italian Restaurant Menu Translations

 I am learning Italian, on Duolingo, ready for a holiday next year. Therefore every Italian restaurant menu is a welcome challenge. So are all the multi-language lists of ingredients on chocolate bars, cakes, tins of olives and sardines, and packging from supermarkets.

Here's my most recent look at an Italian restaurant menu.

Antipasto - Starter 

Primo - first course

affumicato - smoked (like our English word fumes)

aglio - garlic

di - of

e - and

fiori - flowers

gamberi - prawns

Insalata - salad

insalata verde - green salad

forno - (in the) oven / baked

fritti - fried

melone - melon

prosciutto - Parma ham (ham from Parma)

salmone - salmon

spinaci - spinach

trota - trout

zucca - zuccini


Spaghetti - notice ending in the letter i for plurals

Fettuccine - flat noodles

funghi - mushroooms (like the English word fungus)

porcini - wild mushrooms

vegetariana - vegetarian

Main Courses \

con - with

di - of

fegato - calves' liver

filetto - filet

fritti fried (like our word fritters)

grilia - from the grill/in the grill  - grilled

manzo - beef (think of meat

mare - sea

pepe - pepper (like texting, shorten the English word to get the Italian)

pesce - fish

risotto - rice dish


rosso - red

vino - wine

vino bianco - white wine

vino rosso - red wine


carta di credito - credit card

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