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Friday, March 28, 2025

My Reaction To Amusing Story About Ryanair Boss Charged Extra For extras in restaurant

I read in my daily dose of the Daily Mail about a Ryanir boss who was charged extra by a restaurant in Ireland, mimicking his budget airline's extra charges. I got to thinking what else the restaurant could have jokingly charged him extra for.

They could have charged for late check-in.

They could have taken his briefcase, and jacket, put them on their 'carousel'. And returned the briefcase half an hour later. They could have asked him to take off his shoes for security. 

I have flown on RyanAir. They do cheaply from Stansted to France, to airports such as Beziers. (Note that the spelling of Stansted has only one a. Unlike the London NW area of Hampstead which has a second letter a.)

RyanAir plane. Photo by Trevor Sharot. Copyright

Useful Websites

Daily Mail


The restaurant

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Easy similar Italian words - and an update on using Duolingo leagues on basic and upgrading to Premium

The words in Italian are in bold so you can re-read and learn them. Mano of the words simply add o to create the masculine in Italian, for bambino, mano, medico, parco, telefono, vino.  Add the feminine ending e (like our English word feminine) to aprile, credere, impossibile, and simile. Watch out for the double letters in infatti, in fact the letter t appears twice, like in the words letter and fatter.


aprile - April (No capital letters starting months in Italian)

bambino - baby

credere - believable

durata - duration 

infatti - in fact

impossibile (im-poss-ee-bill-ay) - impossible

mano - hand (like manual labor, hand work)

medico - doctor

parco - park

(il - the masculine) progetto - project

simile - similar

telefono - telephone

vino - wine


ragioni - not regions but reasons, rationality. The i at the end is a plural, like the word spaghetti.

These are todays words from my Duolingo exercises. I used Duolingo for free for a year learning Spanish. 

Now I am doing Italian. This was for a proposed holiday in Spain which has now been cancelled. Never mind. My project for the year is to learn Italian. 

Advertising On Duloingo and Websites

Duolingo is no longer the same as before. It has turned more commercial, like Facebook and the Daily Mail, everything on the internet seems to be bombarding me with advertising. I can't afford to buy another garment from Shein every hour. No point sending me cat food ads when I don't have a cat. I already have installed Grammarly.

Leaderboards On Dulingo

I am addicted to the Leaderboards on Duolingo. You can't be bored with the Leaderboard. It gives you points for every exercise completed. You compete with up to thirty others on your level. If you are in the top half dozen (the exact number varies from fewer in the lowest to more the hightest leaague) you go up. Conversely, if you are in the lowest of your league you slip back to compete with those who spend less time and effert. 

Competing For Position

You do an exercise and add points. Go away for an hour or two, to do something useful, cleaning and tidaying the house, calling a friend, calling family, writing a book, answering mail, paying bills. You come back and somebody else has been busy and caught up right behind you in points or overtaken you. 

Blocked By Duolingo

Then, last week, March 2025, I kept getting signs that I had run out of hearts and could not do any more exercises. Maybe, last year, I had not reached this limit. Maybe, this year, they have changed their system.

Resisting Paying

At first I resisted paying. I am in a system which advertises itself as free. I have been promoting it in my blogs as free. I am a loyal long term member.

I was afraid of being sucked into paying a big sum later, or small sums forever, even after I die. (I am in my seventies.) 

The system promised that I would start getting hearts again if I came back after three hours. Two hours, one hour.

Agreeing To Pay

I thought again. Let's at least check the prices. I have had a year's worth of value from them. I get hours a day from them. I owe them something. I'd pay for food, clothes, entertainment. 

Comparative Costs

The amount asked was less than UK one hundred pounds. (Some of my travel websites are quoting hotels in NZ currency because of my February trip to New Zealand when I set my laptop to the local currency.) If you are being quoted in another currency, or in your own currency and you want to tell a friend or readers another currency, you can look for the flag or currency abbreviation on the website page, click on it and change it, instead of having to go into another website to get the day's currency exchange rate and echange table column.) The answer was sixty pounds.

Family Budget

I thought, that's doable. I told all the family in a whatsapp group chat. They did not objects. They were all spending far more on other activities overseas.

Commitment and Cancelling

I now have two weeks to cancel. Then I will be committed to sign up to premium for the year. 

Any Advantage To Premium?

I must admit I am a bit disappointed because don't find that premium is doing me much extra good. 

I was expecting to be given the grammar clues about what I had done wrong. But I am getting most answers right. I am writing down the correct answers in an A6 notebook labelled Italian. 

Self-Checking Translation Answers

My hand-written pages listings are no longer in alphabetical order, dictionary style  That used to delay me in writing, while I looked for a page which still had an empty line for that letter of the alphabet. Instead, I write down in the running order of the day's words and sentences learned. 

Some of the exercises are timed. I keep Google translate open to check the spelling. 

Mistakes Allowed

f I am tired from not enough sleep, or over-confident, I get impatent and make a silly mistake. Sometimes if I mistype, or use a spelling closer to the English sound, a instead of e, or vice versa, the system just warns me of a typo. 

No time is lost on Duo. 

But I take time to check and if necessary correct that spelling in my hand-written list, or underline the vowel or double letter as a memory aid.

Time Lost On Mis-Translation

However, if I am hasty and careless, I might miss out the word not, or only, having grasped the subject object and verb. So I slow down and check both all the words in the Duolingo suggestions. Then I re-read all the words I have typed, to see if I am missing any extra word. 

Word Order And Alternative Words

I use Google to select the word order. 

Sometimes google translate gives me another similar word which is not acccenpted by the Duolingo system. Is that unreasonable? I can flag this in the choice of comments as 'my answer should be accepted'. 

But I now realised that there is a good reason for me to be using the suggested word in the Duolingo exercise. The reason is because it was teaching me a particular word and I have not learned it.

Conclusion - For You

So, hey, ho, off to study I go. I hope this has helped you, or at least entertained you.

Useful Website

Please follow my blogs. Here on blogspot you can find my blogs on travel, languages, dress of the day, and comic poetry, and wine and dine. The first three are the most active with new blog daily. 

If you want to make a suggestion for a subject, you can contact me through here or another medium. I am on Facebook, linkedIn when I can recall my password after changing my email, but that's another story. Meanwhile, I'm off back to Duolingo. 

Have a nice day. In Italian that's buona giornata.!

Please, share links to your favourite posts, with your friends.

Per favore, condividi i link ai tuoi post preferiti, con i tuoi amici.

See you again, soon.
Ci rivedremo, presto.

Maybe tomorrow.
Forse domani.

I hope so!
lo spero!

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Yarn Bombing and More Street art worldwide - bollards, pillars, rejuvenating streets


Where can you see free street art?
An open top bus tour anywhere, any city. A walking gtour of murals. London's East End. 
USA, Philodelphia.
What else? Statues of people sitting on benches. In London, England. Spain and Portugal.  
Banksy murals worldwide. Wroclaw dwarfs or gnoes, about 600 ankle height miniature sculptures in Poland.

English: Democrat (Demokracja) dwarf from KOD located on Plac Solny
Polski: Demokracja wrocławski krasnal ufundowany przed KOD znajdujący na placu Solnym 20 autorstwa kongijskiego rzeźbiarza Jeana Louisa Kotagomby.
SourceOwn work
You can find more amusing pictures of the ankle height sculptures in Wroclaw, Poland. I chose this one because it shows you the size of the sculpture.
Angela with mural at London Cru winery, London, England. Photo by Trevor Sharot. Copyright.

Railway mural, Rayners Lane, London, England. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

In Philadelphis you can do a self-guided tour, following a map guide.
You can see street art in countries you hope to visit, and countries you cannot currently visit. Decorative and permanent street art, controversial banned, damaged, painted over by mistake (UK) or lost street art. I recently saw street art in New Zealand, even in small suburban corners of Auckland. Street art online in Wikipedia is from Australia, Israel, European countries and many other countries. 

To sum up
Past - to see online
Sculpture exhibitions
Elephants, London and Waddesdon

Permanent - to visit
East End walking tours - murals
Paintings for sale along Piccadilly some weekends
Sculptures of famous royalty and characters such as Oscar Wilde and Amy Winehouse animals and sculptures and monuments Trafalgar Square
Public fountains

Philadelphia - murals

Wroclaw - ankle height sculptures

Sculpture parks

For free entertainment in any city, look online for murals, street sculpture, markets.

Useful Websites
London, England, walking tour

Philadelphia, USA, tour

Armchair travelling from your desk


Please share links to your favourite posts.

Monday, March 24, 2025

Post box toppers are back, springtime rabbits in London - for you to view, share, and copy


Postbox topper of knitted rabbits in March. Harrow. UK. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

I saw this from the bus and photographed it through the windor. An entertainment for pedestrian shoppers and those passing on the bus. After a week or so without the toppers, I had missed them. Lovely to see them back.

Every one is different. I shall now look for some more. It is a British thing.

I wonder whether the idea will spread worldwide. I think it should. A real expression of creativity and public art. Something to enliven your daily walk. If you are on holiday overseas, show it to your friends, acquaintances, any friends who knit, crochet or like crafts, and ask them to show their local art or craft group.

The designs look impressive. If you google online from a laptop or your phone, you can find knitting patterns for toys and 3D animals, cartoon characters, all kinds of creatures. 

I imagine that once you have tried a couple of basic patterns, you get the idea of how to knit or crochet circles, and spheres, ovals, change colours, draw faces to knit or embroider. Then you can start being inventive, and copy photos of events, turning pictures of animals and people and small cars and palaces and places, turning the flat photo into a 3D model or directly into a knitting pattern. 

For a larger project, one person can create the design over the month. Or you could give each person in a group one part of the design. The teamwork could be a bit like the Bayeux tapestry, and the tapestry this century in Fishguard, Wales, which had panels done by different people, following the colours and stitching styles specified. 

The toppers are seasonal. These for March, when springtime officially starts following the equinox, equal night and day, are rabbits, symbol of springtime, breeding. In the UK, we have chocolate rabbits in the newsagents, supermarkets and corner shops. Now, the same happy symbol on top of post boxes, too.

Post box toppers also celebrate sports wins, holidays, and joyful events.

The offical name is yarn bombing. The idea is relatively recent, and appears to have started in 2021. The items are attached to the top of the postbaox with elastic or cords or fence ties. You can find more pictures in my other posts. Also on Facebook. 
Wikipedia Commons had photos of postbox toppers in Cornwall, London, and Norolk, and Scotland. Other yarn bombing has been done in Italy. In England to decorate the bollards . To cover pillars or lamp posts.

Even if you are stuck at home, you can travel the world's streets on the internet, enjoying the street art. Inspiring.

 See next post.
Useful Websites

Please share links to this post with your family and friends. And anybody you meet who works promoting tourist destinations. 

Double Chocolate Muffins For Hosts & Guests, or Grapes

 I bought double chocolate muffins from Lidl around Christmas 2004. They were kept in a cold garage, and still edible in mid-March 2025, and delicicious, a quick pick me up.

I checked current prices. For hosts of meetings, club meetings, committee meetings, hosts and guests. 

You can get six chocolate muffins for one pounds from Poundland. So two of you, spending only one pound each could supply 12 muffins. 

Mini muffins and quite filling and even cheaper.  My pack of 16 came from Lidl. Similare are available from Asda and Tesco.

For the budget conscious, or more guests than expected, cut all of half of the muffins in half with a sharp knife. Or failing all else,  use the blade of a sterlised Swiss army knife or penknife. (Sterilise in boiling water, dried with a clean paper towel/tissue Swiss army knife or penknife. Then everybody can have just a bite with their coffee, tea, milk, or water. 


If you are interested in supplying fresh fruit for dieters, health followers, anybody who wants to avoid meat products such as those who are Hindu, Moslem or Jewish, consider grapes. Wash the bunch and with washed hand detach all the grapes so nobody has to hold other grapes to pull off one or two. .

Small madarin oranged, tangerines, can be separated into segments. Two or three pieces of fruit make lots of segments. 

Easy Italian Words

Flag of Italy

Italian - English

cantare - sing (like cantor)

classe - class

coppia - couple

errore - error

dormire - to sleep (like the French dormir)

frase - phrase

lettera - letter (But letto is bed. I think of letter a is a bed but letto is let me lie on it.)

l'ombrello - the umbrella

osso - bone (useful for restaurants and hospitals)

perfetta - perfect

positivo - positive

uno - one (like unique)

voci - voices

English - Italian

bone - osso

class - classe

couple - coppia

error - errore

letter - lettera

one - uno

perfect - perfetto (drop the c and doube the t, to be perfect in Italian)

phrase - frase

positive - positivo (an adjective ending in o to match a mascine noun, such as the name Mario)

sing - cantare

to sleep - dormire

voices - voci (the i ending is plural, like spaghetti)

Useful Websites

translate Google

Wikivoyage phrasebook Italian

Please follow my blogs and share with friends the links to your favourite posts. 

Ride on suitcase for children and adults, or scooter suitcases

 I've seen children riding around airports on suitcases. My grand-daughter has one. So cute. Keeps kids happy.


You can pull them along and know where they are.

A family member seeing a picture of a child on one said, 'I want one!'

Just what I thought. I checked the websites, and sure enough, they already exist for adults. And small enough to carry on.

For everybody.

The thing of the future. A wedding gift.

Stand or Sit

Some of them you stand on, like scooters.

Others you can sit on.

The Trunki for children appeared on Dragon's Den in the UK.

The starting price on Amazon, March 2025 is 29 to 30 pounds sterling for one for a child from age two upwards, their spec says.

Useful Webistes

Please share links to your favourite posts.