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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

How to remember and recognise Welsh words for butterfly, see and swim - Revision

How do you remember Welsh words?

Find similar sounds, spellings or sentences mixing Welsh words and English words.

New Words

Welsh - English
g w e l d - to see (Remember, your spectacles are welded together.  G starts a verb, like the German past tense)
n i  - we (Combine the N of the French word for we, Nous, and the EE sound of the English We.   Turn the n upside down and you have the start of the letter W for we.)
nofio - to swim (Remember: I am not afraid to swim.)
pili-pala - butterfly (Remember a butterfly with double letters, L, will fly from pillar to pillar, and be your pal.)

English - Welsh
butterfly -  p i l a - p a l a
(to) see - g w e l d
(to) swim - nofio
we - n i

Welsh - English
oren - orange
soiled - chocolate

Tips (free on line learning website for many languages from English and from several languages to learn English)
google translate

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker, teacher of English and other languages. You will find several more posts on learning Welsh and other languages. Please share links to your favourite posts.

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