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Monday, July 29, 2019

How To Promote Your Club Conference Or Event

How do you promote your club conference or event? I have been looking into this to repeatedly and contunually promote Braddell Heights Advanced Toastmasters speakers group in Singapore meeting twice a month on the first Wednesday evening and the third Saturday afternoon, and a one-off event, the Pathways workshop at Tampines Changkat community club on September 28th.

Choosing The Event Date
The first point to notice is whether the orgnaizers or stars are available. Give them a choice of dates. You might not want to have a party for teeneagers during their exam week or when everybody is away for the summer break. Offer the star turn or workshop leader a choice of dates or ask when they are free.

Then check whether you have competing national, local, or same society events on the same day. If possible, change the day. If not, make use of the overlap.

Joint Promotions & Conflicts
You could promote both events and ask people to sign up for one or the other. Or get publicity about your concern over the conflict. You may rmember a royal wedding with took place on the same day as a sports event.

How do you create a layout? You want a banner headline, one or two photos or a mosaic. Details in a text box of where, when, directions, price, contacts, sign up. Is the event free, or price or prices for different people (members and non-members or guests, earlybird or pay at the door.

Use Canva. Or Powerpoint.

On websites such as Eventbrite you can ask the guests to print off a ticket or show you their registration or payment on their phone if you are sure the event venue will have internet connection. If no internet connection, arrange for somebody to have a charged phone to act as a hotspot.

How To Print Tickets Cheaply And Quickly
You can make DIY tickets and ticket stubs. Across an A4 page you could print at least four horizontal tickets, possibly as many as 16.

Numbering Tickets
Why number tickets? To prevent fraud from photocopying. To keep track of tickets and numbers sold. To match up the ticket sold with the ticket stub.

Prices and Reductions
If you are not selling tickets and people are complaining about the price, you could offer a reduction or buy one get one free (to fill up the empty room).

Useful Websites

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. President of Braddell Heights Advanced Toastmasters Club. Area S3 director.

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