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Friday, July 19, 2019

How Tactile Paving Helps The Handicapped At Stations

Those lines running parallel to the base of the picture are raised metal to guide the feet of the blind. Some blind people have tunnel vision or restricted vision, so if they look ahead or to the left or right they cannot see the floor in front of them. Others see a blur.

As you get older you get cataracts, like taking off your reading glasses. When I went to the optician for a sight test in London, England, I was told that I was developing cataracts, but they would not need, or qualify for, an operation for another ten years. Naturally you put off an operation on your eyes as long as you can. Meanwhile, clear images and bright colours on artwork are welcome, as is anything to lift your mood.

More Information
Tactile Paving
Tactile Paving is the technical term for those raised round bumps. The SMRT website points out that the tactile paving in Singapore leads to the wide wheelchair access gate where you put in your ticket to enter the platform or go to the escaltor down to the platform.

Useful Websites (Tactile paving)

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