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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Disraeli Discussed and seen in London

 Wikipedia has a detailed account of Disraeli's life. His life is very much an example of persistence pays and if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. The long article in wikipedia points out that his dispute with Irish Catholic O'Connell in the Times newspaper served to give Disraeli publicity which helped his career, his campaign for votes.

Also, for three quarters of his career, he was in the opposition. When in opposition, he wrote the novel Lothario which became a best seller, partly because a work of so-called fiction, written by a former minister about the lives of people in Parliament, was a novelty. 

His first attempt to get a bill passed which would enable his friend Lionel Rothschild to take a seat in Parliment, having won't the people's vote, but being unable to take the oath worded as a Christian, was downvoted, The only person who voted for it was Disraeli. He later brought in a bill that each house, the commons and Lords, could decide its own vote. This was passed. He then got one of the two houses to pass it so that Lionel could take his seat.

Other revelations: Disraeli looked gay and had no children. But he had an affair with Henrietts who was the heroine of his book of the same name. He also married an older woman, his friend's and government companion's widow. Did she have children from her previous marriage?

Why was he so popular with Queen Victoria. He was famous for saying that when flattering royalty, lay it on with a trowel.  He was sending her reuglar despatches about what was said in parliament. She had asked for more information than what she could read in the reports in the newspapers.

He apponnted her Empress of India, a title she wanted to take precedence over her own daughter who was married to an Emperor. Disraeli achievedt his by persisting, despite Parlimentary opposition.

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Angela Lansbury is a British author who has lived in the USA.

Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer.

Angela Lansbury teacher of English (advanced and English as a Second Language or English as a Foreign Language, French and other languages, aspiring polyglot.

Angela Lansbury, author and speaker. Member of many toastmasters  speaker training clubs and speaking contest judge.

Angela Lansbury, the author of 20 books including Wedding Speeches & Toasts, and Quick Quotations, has lived in the USA, Spain and Singapore. 
She  has several blogs and writes daily on at least two of the following:
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