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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Marvellous Malay food near Paddington station, but for alcohol and coffee look nearby

Tukdin restaurant, near Paddington Station, Lond, England. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

 We were looking for a Malay food restaurant in central London for the twice a year reunion of expats from Asia. They now live in England and meet up in London at a Malay or Indonesian restaurant.

It has to be within an easy walk of an undergraoudn sation as one or two of them are elderly, getting on a bit, as we say politely in London. Or they have problems walking.

As a result my husband Trevor and I take a tip to central London to try out ethic restaurants to find out about the food, and the practicalities.

We had a delightful lunch at Tukdin, near Paddinton undergraound and overground railway station. 

The restaurant is a straightforward wal along the main road past lots of introguing and interesting restaurants and shops. It is obviously a ppoular tourist area. You can tell from the voices of the people you pass on the pavement or sitting on the pavement cahirs outside London restaurants in summer.. Those pavement chairs proliferating are the result of non smoking rules in restaurants, and Covid meaning people wanted to be in circulating air, not sitting cooped up indoors beside others. It has created a lovely atmosphere. Poeple sit outside in winter, braving all weather, in order to smoke or because they are in the habit of sitting outside and watching passers by. But in sumer weather in sunshine it is London at its best.

The Nalay restaurant is named after the man who started it, named Tukdin. Any pun on tucked in is just a happy coincidence.

The place is small enough for you to immediately catch the eye of the people in charge. The menu is full of authntic malay dishes which are fondly rememberd with enthusiasm by those familiar with Asian food.

You have two menus. One is the savoury starters and main courses. THe other is for drinks and the sweet dessert. We went without starters because I had my ee ont he dessert.

Signs told us it was halal. The two jolly ladies serving had head coverings. My husband immediately suspected, rightly that alcohol would not be served. That meant that our expat group would not be able to either drink, or bring their own alcohol. 9It sounds odd, but we had previously, only last week, enjoyed an Indian-Pakistani=-Bangladeshi style meal at a restaurant which had no license, but advertisied the fact that customers were welcome to bring wine, with no corkage chagre. However, not here. 

If you are religious, or don't drink at lunch time, for you it will be no problem.

So, our serach for a restaurant for our reunion must continue. Meanwhile I enjoyed a very nice lunch, as part of my sampling of Malay and Indonesian restaruants.

My drink, a virulent, exciting, enticing dark pin, was not the least synthetic but a strong and delciious rose flavoour. Wonderful. I would happily have ordered another, but I had my meal ahead.

My main course was  

Instead of a starter I started with a drink as attractive as a cocktai.

The place has an echo. However, I soon stopped hearing the baby on my left and listened to the conversation of the ocuple in the window. They gave me a complete guide to Europe.

Then along comes the main event. I like chicken. I am allergic to shellfish. The server showed polite , promised to convery to the chef that I was allergic to shellfish, was happy with anchovies, and would not be bothered by a possible crossover of shellfish being prepared int he same kitchen, so long as I did not get a huge prawn, like appeared, corectly in my husband's Char kway teow. concern for my well being 

I loved the coconut rice. So often I have had rice which barely tasted of coconut. But I defeinitely tasted coconut.

The restaurant was happyk keen to wrap up our leftovers. I could see other tables had made the same request.

I had enough food for half of it to be saved to take home. I was saving myself for dessert. Was I right!

The menu had only three desserts, but that was plenty. ice cream, well, I have 36 flavours, constanty changing , at my local ice cream shop in Hatch End (Baskin Robbins). So I passed on that. My eye was on the first dish.

We shared. Sago. Spelled sagu. With cane sugar. 

Delicious. I had half. The restaurant broguht two bowls in addition to the main one containing the dessert. Highly recommended.

Afterwards we still wanted coffee and went next door. I shall describe that separately. 

Two great places in one visit. Maybe there's a nearby put if you want a drink. I didn't see one. But I don't normally drink at lunch time anywhere. 

Would I go back? Yes, yes, yes.

Toilet Decor

Lastly, I must mention the toilets.

Down a steep staircase, with a hand rail on one side. But a reward at the basement. A clean Ladies Toilet with plentifu soft toilet paper. And delightful deor. A domed roof. and sparkles in the material. 

The serving desk has an orchid and the restaurant address cards.

Not grand. Homely, in the positive sense, of being like home, with mother looking after you, but with nice touches.

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