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Friday, May 31, 2024

Airplane Accident - should be prevented, preventable


An attractive airline design from a Thai airline.. 

Airline travel should be glamorous and trouble free. Accidents are rare. 

But every accident is a tragedy for those involved, and bystanders, even nervous passengers who have heard about the accidents. 

Can we reduce accidents to zero? Why not? \\

Firstly, in modern times we have a duty of care. Secondly, studying the past, we learn that Viktor Frankl reduced suicides to zero among Austrian students, as long ago as before WW2.

Regarding a death on the ground, outdoors, involving a plane, a reported accident was later  reported as not an accident, was apparently not an accident. A person died, apparently a suicide. Either way it should not be possible to climb into any moving part of a plane or get sucked in. 

An airplane design fault. You should not be able to climb inside moving machinery when it is in operation. It could have been an animal or bird in a foreign country with wildlife on landing and caused a major accident.

Warning Signs

 It is mandatory to have warning signs about washing hands above basins in restaurants. Warnings signs should show sheer drops from cliffs, and railway and river banks, an doors into lift shaft - and moving machinery.

Are Signs Sufficient?\

But warning signs are not enough. There might be so many signs that people don't read them. The population is not 100% literate. People might not be paying attention. They may not be wearing their reading glasses. They might not speak English. They might be in a hurry and not stopping to read sign. They ight not know that signs apply to them. Elderly and confused people. Drug takers. People tired from flights overnight, long working hours, exciting love lifes. Forgetting signs read long ago and not re-read every day.

Therefore, you cannot rely on people reading signs, nor obeying them. A boss or colleague might say of a sign, it doesn't matter, never mind, it's an old sign, we haven't time.


Therefore, safety design required keeping machinery away from people, and people away from machinery. A designer or AI can generate a list of suggestions. Such as a physical barrier, a warning sound. a net. A bar. A way of stopping the moving machinery. A moat. A moving barrier. 

Who Can Help?

Sometimes the design department does the job to fix the problem. Lawyers or Insurance companies can bring pressure to ensure action is taken.

Occasionally a contest is used to appeal for designs. Or a student or group of students work on the idea.

 Or a family member, albeit shutting the door after the horse has escaped, is obsessed with fixing the problem. It gives them a purpose. Action after the event is useful - so that it never happens again. 

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