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Monday, June 3, 2024

A fourth Airline or Airport Accident

This time the accident was on the ground. A scarf caught up in machinery. 

Not again? You may recall the accident involving a scarf and a car way back in 1929 when Isadora Duncan, the mother of Dance, lost her life when her scarf was caught in a car wheel. 

Isadora Duncan from Wikipedia.

"It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others."
Ashleigh Brilliant.

Work Uniform

One of the purposes of a uniform is to ensure the health and safety of both customers and staff. Staff should be identifiable so that customers can get help.


Staff should feel part of a team and identify with the company. This could involve a style of dress. 

Staff should have suitable clothing and footwear to protect them. 


Customers and staff  should be warned against trailing scarves, sleeves and trousers (Americans say pants) near moving machinery and in entertainment venues, 

Headscarves or bonnets can be worn and tied up to keep long hair out of the way of machinery. In areas such as kitchens, headwear prevents hairs from falling into food and contaminating it. Also prevents dust and flour or diry in the air from getting into hair. 

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