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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Family Restaurant, Mani & Nick's in Mill Hill

 This restaurant has a large menu. Though the table was a bit small for our group of five, the server offered to push two tables together for us. 

The restaurant was pretty empty on a Saturday night. They said they were much busier at lunch time.  They were busier serving take aways than evening diners. Mill Hill is full of places which are more expensive and glamorous.

We sat by the bar so we got instant attention when we wanted to order anything more.

We had prosecco for two of us, red wine for the others. 

I ordered ironed chicken breast and mshed potato. My husband had pasts. 

Our son was quite happy with his meal, considering four lamb chops for 17  pounds was generous. He was also happy with 'a mountain of rice'.

For me the highlight was the pancakes with an extra banana. I think fresh fruit makes all the difference to a dessert, so I was glad our son suggested adding this. He had eaten at the restaurant previously for breakfast.

The meal came to about thirty pounds a head, quite resonable nowadays for a filling mel, enough food to take away, including alcholic drinks.

The decor, atmosphere and meals lacked the zest I had hoped for, so I would not go back but would try somewhere new next time. If you are looking for a reasonably priced meal,, and a high chance of getting a table, this place might suit you.

Why come here for breakfast, at what time? 

Our son had had pancakes for breakfast when the rest of the family was busy. About 9 am.

He confirmed that lunch time is a busier time for this restaurant.

Paccakes with extra banana. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright. 

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