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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Travelling with babies, children and pets - and the elderly

Sign from Temu, inexpensive. 

I think these signs are for the inside of the rear view window. Perhaps they should go on the inside from window, the side window on the driver's side, or on the passenger seat.

  Safety Warnings Needed

Now it's time for campaigns to start to install warning devices when babies children, adults or pets are locked in cards in the heat, left unattended and apparently forgotten for hours. This should happen to new cars in the USA in 2025. 

You might have a car from before then.

Suggestions include

Leave your phone or shoe beside the baby or child which you will take with you.

Set an alarm on your watch if leaving a baby or child in the car for just five minutes. Then if you are distracted, you will be reminded to return on time. 

Offload the baby into its carrycot indoors, ideally into the charge of a trusted adult, before fetching the luggage. 

Send a photo of the baby in the car to next of kin if leaving the baby for a few seconds, eg at a garage, so if you fell ill or were abducted your family would be alerted to rescue the baby.

Lock the car at a garage (called gas station in the USA) and take the key, so nobody can leap into the driving seat and drive off with the baby.

Before locking and leaving a car, always look all around your car for forgotten babies, pets, bags, jackets, valuables. 

Do not leave empty bags and jackets in cars. You may know that there is nothing valuable in your bag or jacket. But a thief in a hurry does not know that until after they have driven off or smashed the window to grab it. .At that moment they might be enraged with disappointment and damage the car or threaten you or the car occupant.. (This happened to us in Spain.)

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