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Sunday, May 24, 2015

French words of the day: chic, crèche

To understand foreign words look at the context. To get accustomed to using them, keep making up sentences using the words.

For example: The French are so chic. Their clothes are so chic. I suppose they have time to dress well because they leave their small children in a creche.

bourgoisie - middle classes. According to context, the word can apply to people or their style of furnishing, clothes, and culture, also imply other social conditions and value judgements such as city-dwellers, conventional, hard-working, ordinary, majority, rich, self-made, shop-keepers, small-minded, snobbish, uncultured. A film uses the word: The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie.
chic - smartly dressed, stylish
crèche - place where babies are supervised

How chic of the bourgeoisie to have a creche.

Sorry, folks. I keep putting the accent on the first e in c r è c h e but the spellchecker on the site removes them.

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