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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Learn Languages From The Family Names Of Famous People And Friends - German

Flag of Germany. Black, red, yellow.
(Not to be confused with the flag of Belgium which is similar, wuth twith the colours horizontal>)

An amazing number of German names are known to English speakers. Jung and Freud.
You can keep yourself amused for hours with the website on German names.

Here is a handy list:
Adler - eagle
Baum - tree
Bayer - Bavarian
Beethoven - beetroot farms (composer)
Berg - mountain
Bieber - beaver / industrious (singer)
Blau - blue
Bosch - bush (kitchen equipemnt, white goods)
Braun - brown
Eichmann - oak man (Notorious Nazi put on trial)
Engel - angel (economic, social and political revolutionary theory, friend of Karl Marx)
Cassell - castle (as in the publishers' name)
Goldschmidt - goldsmith
Jung - young - (psychology)
Faber - smith (Publishers Faber and Faber)
Faust - fist (Legendary character based on real man, inspiring Goethe and others)
Fisher/Fischer - fisherman
Freud - joy (pschology, Austrian family, Sigmund; Clement, others)
Fuchs - fox
Hertz - heart (Car hire)
Jaegar - hunter (Clothes shop, UK and worldwide)
Keller - cellar (As in Helen Keller, who was deaf and blind)
Neumann - new man
Oster - East or Easter
Rothschild - red shield (Bankers and wine makers)
Sanger - singer
Schmidt - smith
Schneider - tailor
Schwartz - black (Elizabeth Schwartzkopf opera singer)
Strauss - bouquet (Johann Strauss Junior wrote waltzes; Richard Strauss, composer of fanfare music used in the film/movie 2001 Space Odyssey)
Wagner - wagon maker or driver (Composer Richard Wagner)

Johann is John.
Karl is Charles.
About the Author
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer

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