When holding an event in your home country or overseas, you need to know how to get publicity. Nowadays social media is the thing. Here are some of the suggestions which I have been exploring for my club, Braddell Heights Advanced Toastmasters International Speakers' Club in Singapore.

Braddell Heights Advanced Speakers' Club in Singapore.
I belong to four clubs, two public speaking clubs in London and two in Singapore.
In London the first club I joined was Harrovians. The club began meeting in a pub in Harrow. It moved to another pub, then three more location, a pub in Harrow Weald, a hall in Stamore, and a church hall in Stanmore, before coming back to Harrow to meet in a baptist church. You can see the Harrovians page on Facebook.
I later joined HOD in London. They moved from Stanmore to Harrow..
You can make a page for a club and its events, mention an event on your home page, or even make a page for an event, such as an annual conference. I have attended Writers Holiday in Wales and Writers' Summer School in Derbyshire, England. Both attract visitors from all ove the world through their Websites and we keep in touch with each other throughout the year on Facebook. You can have one official page for publicising the event and another for chatting and news of members.
In Singapore I have just joined Meetup. This proved very successful for bringing in new members in London and for several clubs in Singapore.
The system is similar to many others. You pick a name for your group, load up a name, add a profile for yourself. You have a calendar for future events.You can add photos from events.
Promotion Throurgh Changing Your Personal Or Club Photo
Decide which photo shows your people and activities best. What does it say about you. For example, a business admin college decided they wanted viewers of their page to get the idea that the college and the college society would help you get employment or a well paid job. So they changed out of their casual clothes into business suits with brief cases and ran a tagline along the lines of enhance your career with our college degree and network at our college club.
My club Braddell Heights Advanced is an advanced club so I choose a picture which shows us with ribbons or trophies.
Another club, Jurong Green Advanced. found that beginners were discouraged or confused by the name advanced, so the club changed its name to English (to distinguish itself from another club at the same venue called Mandarin.
If you are in Singapore come along to Braddell ieghts Advanced Toastmsters International Speakers' Club. The cost is only ten Singapore dollars and you will gain an enormous amount of information about job interviews, networking and media and social life, relationships and even your dating or love life.
Eventbrite offers lots of options. You can change the admin from one person to another, eg a colleague at your business. You can have a sub-user.
You can accept payment in various currencies.
You can run events free, no fee to Eventbrite. Or have earlybird free. That would allow you to change and upgrade fees later if you decide you need the money or the event is nearly full and you want to be sure that those who sign up will turn up.
So, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Meetup, Eventbrite, lots of options.
Please check out Braddell Heights Advanced speakers club on Facebook, Meetup and so on. In the next month you will see our page improving.
About the Author
Angela Lansbury, President of Braddell Heights Advanced Toastmasters Club. Meetings the first Wednesday evening of every month from 7 to 9.30 or ten, depending on the number of speakers, and the third Saturday afternoon 2-5.

Braddell Heights Advanced Speakers' Club in Singapore.
I belong to four clubs, two public speaking clubs in London and two in Singapore.
In London the first club I joined was Harrovians. The club began meeting in a pub in Harrow. It moved to another pub, then three more location, a pub in Harrow Weald, a hall in Stamore, and a church hall in Stanmore, before coming back to Harrow to meet in a baptist church. You can see the Harrovians page on Facebook.
I later joined HOD in London. They moved from Stanmore to Harrow..
You can make a page for a club and its events, mention an event on your home page, or even make a page for an event, such as an annual conference. I have attended Writers Holiday in Wales and Writers' Summer School in Derbyshire, England. Both attract visitors from all ove the world through their Websites and we keep in touch with each other throughout the year on Facebook. You can have one official page for publicising the event and another for chatting and news of members.
In Singapore I have just joined Meetup. This proved very successful for bringing in new members in London and for several clubs in Singapore.
The system is similar to many others. You pick a name for your group, load up a name, add a profile for yourself. You have a calendar for future events.You can add photos from events.
Promotion Throurgh Changing Your Personal Or Club Photo
Decide which photo shows your people and activities best. What does it say about you. For example, a business admin college decided they wanted viewers of their page to get the idea that the college and the college society would help you get employment or a well paid job. So they changed out of their casual clothes into business suits with brief cases and ran a tagline along the lines of enhance your career with our college degree and network at our college club.
My club Braddell Heights Advanced is an advanced club so I choose a picture which shows us with ribbons or trophies.
Another club, Jurong Green Advanced. found that beginners were discouraged or confused by the name advanced, so the club changed its name to English (to distinguish itself from another club at the same venue called Mandarin.
If you are in Singapore come along to Braddell ieghts Advanced Toastmsters International Speakers' Club. The cost is only ten Singapore dollars and you will gain an enormous amount of information about job interviews, networking and media and social life, relationships and even your dating or love life.
Eventbrite offers lots of options. You can change the admin from one person to another, eg a colleague at your business. You can have a sub-user.
You can accept payment in various currencies.
You can run events free, no fee to Eventbrite. Or have earlybird free. That would allow you to change and upgrade fees later if you decide you need the money or the event is nearly full and you want to be sure that those who sign up will turn up.
So, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Meetup, Eventbrite, lots of options.
Please check out Braddell Heights Advanced speakers club on Facebook, Meetup and so on. In the next month you will see our page improving.
About the Author
Angela Lansbury, President of Braddell Heights Advanced Toastmasters Club. Meetings the first Wednesday evening of every month from 7 to 9.30 or ten, depending on the number of speakers, and the third Saturday afternoon 2-5.
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