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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Tips For Motorists, Including A puncture Repair kit

Motorcyclists and drivers of vehicles can carry a tyre puncture repair kit.

One motorcyclist told me that he carries a kit. After several punctures he has three strategies.

1 He avoids driving into gutters where nails and screws roll. So he abandons the old system of driving around speed bumps into the gutter.

2 Carry a puncture repair kit.

3 Wear a GPS watch and take maps. That way you know where you are when you are down a side road and you call for help.

4 Tell somebody where you are going.

5 Take food and drink and a first aid kit even if you have a dinner destination planned.

6 On out of town fun day trips, go in a group.

Meet up as near as possible to your home. Travel in a group and keep an eye out for each other. That way if one person has a puncture, another can help.

Help how?

1 Take you on the back of their bike on to your destination, such as a dinner, hotel for the night, day out.

2 Take you to a garage to buy a kit, then take you and the kit back, or let you go back from the inhabited place in a taxi.

3 Or inform a mechanic who can take you back to your vehicle in his, then repair it.

4 Or get you home for the night. You can then go off in a taxi to the garage and summon a mechanic.
This may be important if there is a delay such as on a bank holiday where help from emergency services takes hours.

5 Bring you food and drink and company while you wait for help.

About the Author
Angela Lansbury, travel writer. Please share links to your favourite tips.

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