Coronavirus started in China but is spreading worldwide.

Thursday March 30 2020
The Good News
I see noticeably more masks being worn in Singapore.Three different toastmasters clubs are sending me updates on WhatsApp.
I declined to shake hands at a Toastmasters Club and instead did a namaste greeting. I bowed my head and brought together the palms of my hands.
On the MRT, at Cashew MRT, I saw a man wiping down the places where you touch 'tap in' your MRT travel card.
The government plans to distribute masks for free, from Saturday February 1st. Four masks for each household. More on request when needed.
You pick up your masks from local Community Centres, showing your ID which lists your home address.
My husband asked me, 'How can you speak at a Toastmasters club if you are wearing masks?'
I replied, 'You can wear your masks in public places, as you walk through the building, and when sitting next to somebody. You take off your mask when you are in the centre of the stage well away from others.'
Masks only last effectively 24 hours.
The government website I looked at said wear a mask only if you are sick.
I presume this saves the masks for when you need them.
I am glad I joined Singapore Online Toastmasters Club.
Around the world
Cruise ship grounded
Taxi driver in China wearing complete hazmatcombat kit
Plane Passenger wearing cycling helmet
Airport passengers in China wearing cut off giant plastic bottles upturned on their heads
Dogs in masks
Useful Information From The Web
Information from the Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH)
Information from newspapers
Map regularly updated showing new sources and cases.
About the Author
Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.
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