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(During 2020 due to covid19 many places are closed but you can do a lot of exploring and planning trips and research on the internet.)
The Giorgio de Chirico House Museum (Casa Museo di Giorgio de Chirico) is a house museum in the 16th century Palazzetto del Borgognoni at Piazza di Spagna 31 in Rome.
The house was acquired by Giorgio de Chirico in 1948. It was left to the state by his widow and opened as a museum in 1998. Only open by appointment, it is closed on Mondays and Sundays. The nearest Metro stop is Spagna.
The house has a large number of paintings as well as sculptures and you glimpse the rooftop terrace from which he used to look over the city.
The house has a large number of paintings as well as sculptures and you glimpse the rooftop terrace from which he used to look over the city.
Exhibits In Italy
It houses several works belonging to the Giorgio e Isa De Chirico Foundation, including:
- Interno metafisico con nudo anatomico, 1968
- Il meditatore, 1971
- Sole su cavalletto, 1972
- Due cavalli in riva al mare, 1964
- Autoritratto di De Chirico, 1953
- Donna in riposo, 1936
- Naiadi al bagno, 1955
- Riposo del Gladiatore, 1968
- Orfeo trovatore stanco, 1970
- Ritratto di Isa con testa di Minerva, 1944
- Bagnanti, 1945
- Frutta con busto di Apollo, 1973
- Interno metafisico con biscotti, 1968
- Il rimorso di Oreste, 1969
- Bagni misteriosi, 1973
- L'anniversario del principe, 1973
- Triangolo metafisico, 1958
- Pianto d'amore (Ettore e Andromaca), 1974
- Le maschere, 1973
De Chirico in Other Museums
the Red Tower - Guggenheim Museum, New York USA

De Chirico in The Museum of Modern Art, New York USA
The Great Metaphysical Interior. by De Chirico.

The Nostalgia of the Infinite, by de Chirico, Museum of Modern Art, New York city, USA.
Thought to be inspired by a tower in Turin, Italy.
Self-portrait by de Chirico in Munich, Germany
The artist was rather fond of tall towers, which are a feature of some towns in Italy. His words remind me of Delvaux.
Some Italian words translated
Italian - English
amore - love
anatomico - anatomical
anniversario - anniversary
autoritratto - self-portrait
bagno - bath
bagni - baths
biscotti - biscuits
busto - bust
cavalli - horses
con - with
del - of the
di - of
donna - woman
due - two
frutta - fruit
interno - interior
le - the
mare - sea
maschere - mask
metafisico - metaphysical
mysteriosi - mysterious
nudo - nude
principe - prince
rimorso - remorse
riposa - rest
riposa - rest
ritratto - portrait
test - head
triangolo - triangle
His paintings remind me of those by Magritte, and Belgian painter Paul Delvaux, who he influenced.
Wikipedia is good for the background of an artist's life. A convenient grouping pf paintings is in wikiart.
Wikipedia is good for the background of an artist's life. A convenient grouping pf paintings is in wikiart.
Useful Websites
The Author
Author, Author! About the Author
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. (Not related to the actress.)
Author of twenty books including: Quick Quotations; Who Said What When.
See books and profiles on Lulu.com and Amazon, such as Wedding Speeches & Toasts. Also watch videos on YouTube.
See other posts on singers and statues and languages and destinations.
If you want to learn to speak the Queen's English, or Received Pronunciation. join me at my online toastmasters club,
Braddell Heights Advanced. Wednesdays, 7-9 Singapore time which is seven hours ahead of London, England.
I am also a member of
Singapore Online.9-12 pm, Singapore time, Fridays. I am also a member of
Tampines Changkat Advanced.
Harrovians, London.
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Next post on translating and learning Italian
The Author
Author, Author! About the Author
Angela Lansbury, travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. (Not related to the actress.)
Author of twenty books including: Quick Quotations; Who Said What When.
See books and profiles on Lulu.com and Amazon, such as Wedding Speeches & Toasts. Also watch videos on YouTube.
See other posts on singers and statues and languages and destinations.
If you want to learn to speak the Queen's English, or Received Pronunciation. join me at my online toastmasters club,
Braddell Heights Advanced. Wednesdays, 7-9 Singapore time which is seven hours ahead of London, England.
I am also a member of
Singapore Online.9-12 pm, Singapore time, Fridays. I am also a member of
Tampines Changkat Advanced.
Harrovians, London.
Toastmasters International Find a Club
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