A member of my family recently had lunch with a friend who travels a lot on business and has friends who do, too. On returning to Singapore in August the government helpline told us that on returning to Singapore from overseas we would be taken straight from the airport to be quarantined.
Which hotel? They could not or would not say where. Would we do better if we paid business class? That's a lot of money.
The cost of staying in the hotel is about 2000 Singapore dollars per person for the two weeks. You get to stay in a grand hotel. But you cannot use the swimming pool or the restaurant. You have to stay in your room. You hope it has a good view.
Some couples don't want to be cooped up. They travel on different days. That way they get two different rooms. Maybe even two different hotels.
That doesn't suit me. I would be bored. Lonely. I would rather be with my family.
During that time you can order food and goods to be delivered but neither you nor any goods can leave your room.
Supposing you want particular equipment, which is bulky or heavy, and not required on your trip elsewhere. For example, excercising eqipment susch as skipping ropes and dumb bells. Or a coffee maker - and the capsules. And a camera for your laptop?
Delivering A Suitcase
We were considering deciding what to take when our friend said: I have lots of friends in quarantine. They leave a suitcase with me and when they come back, I deliver it to their hotel. They can have things delivered to their room. Just nothing is allowed to be sent out of the room.
It is important to label the suitcase twith the name or nickname by which your friend knows you, so he or she can identify the suitcase, especially if it is a black suitcase. You also want your passport name so that the hotel can identify the recipient.
You also might want to photograph the suitccase and list the items. If your friend got sick, died, moved house, went into quarantine, got burgled, couldn't find the case, you might need evidence for an insurance claim or to tell others where to look for your case.
Meanwhile I am weighing myself daily and slowly losing weight, so that when I travel at least I am in the best of health. That at least is under my control.
You will have to pay 2000 Singapore dollars per person for the 14 day hotel stay.
Plus 200 dollars for a test (presumably on your last day). You also have to pay for your transport to the test, not on public transport.
I hope this helps you, or, if you are stuck at home, provides information and entertainment.
Packing During Covid19
Empty bottle to refill with hand sanitiser at the other end.
Hand wipes.
Phones for both ends of your trip including numbers for the hsopital, doctor and Covid19 reporting and general covid19 information phone numbers or whatsapp.
Bye for now.
Useful Websites
About the Author
Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author of 20 books, and a speaker and speech trainer.
Her books include:
Wedding Speeches & Toasts
Quick Quotations
Writing Poetry For Fun
Angela's Alarming Animal Poems
Pantomime characters, pantomime dames create humour.Her books include:
Wedding Speeches & Toasts
Quick Quotations
Writing Poetry For Fun
Angela's Alarming Animal Poems
Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author of 20 books, and a speaker and speech trainer.
Her books include:
Wedding Speeches & Toasts
Quick Quotations
Writing Poetry For Fun
Angela's Alarming Animal Poems
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