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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Brazilian/Portuguese words to recognize on signs and in everyday speech - more than 20 useful words


Flag of Brazil

When I was on holiday in Madeira the first word I recognized on a sign was Jardim, like jardin in French and garden in English, jand g sounding similar, as in the English word garage where we add an e to soften the g to a j sound. Encouraged by this easy word, I started checking my dictionary for easy to recognize and read words which I might see on street signs, shop signs, menus, or hear or want to say in a hotel or restaurant. My search was easy and fun.

Later, I started learning Spanish on duolingo, then Portuguese.

Portuguese - English
a partir de  - from
barco - boat (Both start with the letter b. Both include the vowels o and a, although in reverse order. Sounds like embark.)
beber - drink (Like imbibe)
boa - good
bom dia - good day/morning
isto - this (both words contain the letter t i and s, is is in the same order
minha - mine (the first three letters are the same)
navio - ship
onde - where
por favor - please (Same as the Spanish, and like the English for a favour, or do me a favour)
porta- door/port
porto - harbour
porque - why
quando - when
que horas - what time
quem - who
torre - tower
tu - you (same as the French)

English - Portuguese
boat - barco
door - porta
from - a partir de
good - boa
good day - bom dia
good morning - bom dia
good afternoon
good evening
good night
harbour - porto
her - ela
him - ele
him, her, it - ele, ela, isto
them - eles
this - isto
please - por favor
port - porta
ship - navio (as in navigate)
tower - torre (the same as the Spanish)
what time - que horas
when - quando (like the song, quando, quando, quando, when when when)
where - onde
who - quem
why - porque
you - tu

Useful Websites
translate google

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